Do You Need Help With Rent, Utilities?


Applications are being accepted for the LeeCares 2021 Emergency Rental Assistance Program to help households unable to pay rent and utilities due to COVID-19. If you need help GO HERE. Residents renting on Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel can apply at the site.

Eligible applicants could receive up to six months of assistance for back rent and utilities, and up to three months of future rental payments. Lee County has received about $23.3 million from the U.S. Treasury for this program.

U.S. Treasury guidelines require that applicants fall at or below 80% of Area Median Income and demonstrate financial hardship related to COVID-19 to qualify. The income limit is $38,600 for an individual, $55,100 for a family of four or $72,750 for a family of eight.

Eligibility for The LeeCares 2021 Emergency Rental Assistance Program is limited only to those rental households impacted economically by the COVID-19 pandemic. For other existing assistance programs, information is available from Lee County Human & Veterans Services at or by calling 239-533-7930.