Donalds, Scott Introduce Insurance Legislation


Congressman Byron Donalds and Senator Rick Scott have jointly introduced legislation to provide tax relief for National Flood Insurance Program and private insurance policyholders across Southwest Florida, Florida and the nation.

The bill (H.R. 8102 – “The Flood Insurance Relief Act) incentivizes flood insurance coverage by creating a non-refundable tax deduction for flood insurance premiums.

“Over recent years, residents of Southwest Florida and the Sunshine State have been faced with an exponential rise in flood insurance costs,” said Rep. Donalds (R-FL). “This unsustainable trend is severely impacting hardworking Florida families and it is critical that this problem is immediately addressed. I am proud to introduce House legislation alongside Sen. Rick Scott to provide much-needed relief to flood insurance policyholders throughout our state.”

“As I travel around Florida, I am consistently hearing about how the broken NFIP and its rising costs are hurting Floridians,” said Sen. Scott (R-FL). “I am fighting tooth and nail in Washington to fix it. While we continue to work on permanent solutions to the problems plaguing the NFIP, we need to make sure hardworking folks have access to affordable coverage. That’s why I am introducing and will be fighting to pass legislation that provides a non-refundable tax break to families who purchase flood insurance coverage either through the private market or the NFIP. This is a commonsense bill to ensure Floridians can maintain coverage without breaking the bank. I want to thank Representative Byron Donalds for leading the charge on this good bill in the House of Representatives, and look forward to its passage.”

Read the bill HERE.


  1. Scott gets nothing passed because his leanings are far right and he doesn’t try to work with the people who can get things done. To get anything passed you have to be able to work with all sides which he has no interest in doing.

  2. Those criticizing Mr Scott and Mr Donalds need to consider that they can’t simply snap their fingers and make things happen. They are only 2 of 435 people in DC, most of whom, don’t give two s**ts to how the people of SWFL are impacted. Why do you expect the behemoth that is the federal government to be responsive to local needs?

    • The best way to figure this out is to see who received insurance lobbyist’s money. Isn’t that how congress passes a bill? For a lobbyist to throw money at them until it passes?

  3. We also need a bill to have a faster more responsive settlement of claims. 20 months after Ian landfall and we continue to fight our flood adjuster for compensation on repairs already completed.

  4. Meanwhile, FEMA, over which Scott and Donalds have some control as a Federal Agency, has threatened to impose a 25% Discount Takeaway because FMB has not provided the paperwork showing enough buildings were torn down or permits ordered and closed out. FEMA should know it takes years to recover from devastation like Ian, but they want their paperwork NOW.

    Rick and Byron, let’s do some math…last year I paid $2000 for flood insurance.
    I’m in a 15% income tax bracket so after you work hard to get this non-refundable tax reduction in place, I would expect to have my taxes reduced by $300. Thank you. But FEMA over which you have some control, plans to take away a 25% discount which means my premium is now going to be $2500 and my net cost after your tax deduction will be $2125. The only people this makes even or better are those who are in a 25% income tax bracket or higher.
    Focus on taming down FEMA. FEMA failed to provide the kind of benefits post Ian that they advertised. Made promises of help with housing and then disappeared. multiple visits to FEMA offices each time it’s a different story as to why no money has come through. Now FEMA wants to increase flood premiums in Lee County and FMB and you’re focused on a tax deduction that benefits the wealthy?
    Com’on Men!

    • You are correct. My cousins home was washed away. FEMA rep came down promised and measured for a FEMA trailer for his property. Then they canceled the trailer so he and his cat lived with me off island for 7 months, sold his property and moved to Las Vegas. Thanks FEMA, they do not know what they are doing.

  5. What progress is being made on the bill declaring Ian a disaster. That was suppose to be on Biden’s desk by mid April.

      • Byron Donald’s is a joke! I bet if his home was impacted, he would have had it passed through as fast as he could say Hurricane Ian. A CAT 5 hurricane came through!

  6. “said Sen. Scott (R-FL). “I am fighting tooth and nail in Washington to fix it.”

    I want to know who he fighting against…


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