Every Trailer is Getting a Violation Today


Due to the uncertainty of what FEMA will do regarding the National Flood Insurance Program if the town does not take action, everyone that owns a trailer that cannot be easily hooked up to a pickup truck and moved is getting a code violation today.

FEMA has given the town until November 18th to take action toward removing all temporary structures off the island. This includes shipping containers, trailers, and other temporary structures like pods. Mayor Dan Allers says one thing is for sure, if the town does nothing, they will be put on probation, meaning residents will lose their 25% insurance discount and every resident will have to pay a $50 fine. He’s also been told once a municipality is put on probation it’s near impossible to get off.

There will be no exceptions, no playing favorites. La Ola is getting a notice of violation, The Goodz is getting a notice of violation. Beach Baptist, Margaritaville for the Lee County Sheriff’s trailer, Sun & Fun Rentals, Seagate, plus any condo on the island that uses a trailer for storage. And, yes, even the town of Fort Myers Beach will be receiving a notice of violation from the Town of Fort Myers Beach for its trailers on the Bay Oaks property.

In all, between 40 and 50 notices of violations are being sent out today.

Some business owners were given the impression by the town that as long as they were in the process of rebuilding (with plans on the books) they could keep operating out of trailers until their brick-and-mortar structure was up. However, that is not an agreement FEMA signed onto apparently and without a rock solid understanding from FEMA that trailers can stay past November 18th, they must go.

This is going to be a huge body blow to businesses especially who must now close up shop just when season is about to begin. FEMA’s rationale is that these structures never should have been allowed in the first place, 2 years is long enough, and they will not pay out for the same thing twice. In other words, temporary structures become projectiles that damage other structures in a storm.

If you receive a notice of violation you can take it through the normal town appeal process. That would eventually put you in front of the Special Magistrate. She may rule in your favor and say you are following everything the town asked you to do. You may even have documents to prove your case. The problem with all of that is that FEMA does not care.


  1. The bureaucracy of the federal government is unreal. Bureaucrats who are not elected and are appointed to jobs of which they can keep as long as they kiss the asses of whoever is in office while they suck off the trough of the taxes of the taxpayers. They make the decisions with no regard for the taxpayers who pay their way.

  2. Fort Myers Beach likes to believe it is the Key West of the gulf coast. Key West doesn’t participate in the FEMA flood insurance program and they seem to be doing just fine. My guess, and it is only a guess, is that a majority of the real estate transactions on Fort Myers Beach or cash transactions and do not have mortgages.

    • I wonder how many people realize that the only reason we have the 50% rule is because of FEMA and we have to hurt everyone on this island because of a lousy 25% discount Meanwhile I had to play by their rules and got ZERO money from them. Maybe the town should let home owners vote this and see how many people really want them here. I’ll gladly pay 25% more so I don’t have to follow their rules.

    • Huh??

      Key West absolutely DOES participate in FEMA’s flood insurance program. Key West’s CRS rating is a 5, providing a 25% discount on flood insurance premiums.

  3. Suggestion……….could somebody (BTR??) write a form letter and a contact list for state and federal offices to complain to? We could print/copy and send OR a petition – preferable online for ones not able to live on beach yet? After seeing La Ola’s set up – they can move off the island. Others probably can also. Maybe a FMB policy that states any towable units must have a plan on file for removal within 24 hours of evacuation notice and a backup agency to do it?? This would be also for any housing units (living in and part time used). An example would be if Joe is living in a trailer and gone for a week vacation/work/etc he must have a contract (city has copy with phone numbers) with a company/person to move his trailer for him at evacuation notice.

    OR FMB could foreclose and take over 1661 Estero Boulevard and let all the trailer businesses have space until they can rebuild. 😉 – At least it is raised and not on the ground like Santini Plaza – for insurance purposes.

  4. Time to bombard our 2 senators, all area *not just FMB* Representatives and Presidential VP candidates as well as the current President. Also follow up there response or lack there of at the polls. Can’t hurt to include Governor and county commission. Maybe national media that came for school kids?

  5. I have an interesting thought.
    Since these are potential floating projectiles,
    What’s next , all the 1,000’s of boats that also are potential floating projectiles???

    • do you have flood insurance? Do you have a home on FMB? Do you have any idea how hard to get and how expensive it is once you have? But without flood insurance many of us would never have be able to rebuild. Most Mtg companies demand you have flood ins.

      • I have flood insurance and it is a private policy because believe it or not, the private policy was LESS than the federally subsidized policy. Oh and after the storm, they paid within 4 weeks.

  6. You know, the business impacts of this on our community is going to be significant. And honestly, it’s gonna end up being a death blow to a lot of different situations on the island so sad that this has to happen.

  7. So FEMA wants the island to remove all these containers AFTER Hurricane season instead of setting the date a month BEFORE Hurricane season giving people a little more time???

  8. Two years is also long enough for FEMA to pay out on insurance claims!
    Wright Flood is backed through FEMA and we have yet to receive a final settlement. 2 years is long enough for us too!

  9. I am only a winter visitor but been coming for nine years. I understand FEMA does not want the chance that things that could easily float would be a danger but I feel so sorry for all the businesses that have suffered so much.

  10. FEMA’s rationale is typical of government entities. Moving the trailers because they could become projectiles AFTER the hurricane season is over and the tourist season is beginning is ludicrous.

    • They should also make the people who have parked trailers here to use as their weekend get away spot, get rid of them as well. If there is a hurricane, you can be sure those people are not coming in from another state or from Lauderdale (or where ever) to haul their trailer away to protect their neighbors. No one moved them during Debbie and sure won’t move them for the next storm. How long will the town leave all these empty trailers on our island?

    • I would be happy to pay 25% more and then I don’t have to deal with the 50% rule and all the other BS from Fema. We all have to suffer and play by their rules for 25% discount?


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