Final Details For Our Sidewalk Sweep


We’ll be in the Waistin Away parking lot next to Margaritaville beginning at 7AM Sunday morning. You do not have to check in.

The only reason to swing by the lot is if you need a broom, shovel, yellow flag to stick in the sand, safety cones, safety vest or to buy a yellow shirt (bring cash to keep things moving).

We will not have brooms and shovels for everyone. We have approximately 30 brooms and shovels so if you have your own please feel free to bring them to the event and use them.

If you have everything you need, head right out to any spot on the 7-mile island and get to work. We want to have everyone out cleaning by 8:30-9:00.

Let’s start with the town-owned north end (from Lynn Hall Park to Bowdich) then work down the south end.

The plan is to shovel and sweep the sand into piles and clean the sidewalks off as completely as possible. In some cases there will be a small piece of property between the sidewalk and the road. You’ll want to pile the sand in that section (not in the road or the bike lane). Where there is no property between the sidewalk and the road, you’ll need to pile the sand on the sidewalk but allow enough room for walkers, bicyclists, etc. to get by on the sidewalk. We cannot pile sand on private property.

The town is working hard on getting the contractor to come by Sunday afternoon or early Monday to pick up all the sand.

Please be careful at all times. Watch for traffic. Bring water. Take a lot of pictures.

We’re all meeting at Snug Harbor where everyone will get 20% off their meal between 10:30 and noon.

If you have any questions e-mail me at