Fire District Plans to Lower Your Tax Rate


On the recommendation of Fire Chief Scott Wirth and Finance Director Jane Thompson the Fort Myers Beach Fire District has approved a preliminary millage rate of 2.8 per $1,000 of assessed property value for fiscal 2024/2025. The current rate is 2.985.

As the Fire District Board goes through the budget process it can only lower the rate from 2.8, it cannot increase the rate. The district will see more revenue than it took in last year even with the lower millage rate. The Lee County Property Appraiser’s office increased property values within the Fire District by 47%.

Because your property is worth more heading into 2025, you will most likely pay more in taxes even with the lower millage rate. Of course, most residents paid less last year because of the extreme decrease in property values due to Hurricane Ian. Lee County

Property Appraiser Matt Caldwell believes Fort Myers Beach properties could be back to pre-Ian values by next year. At the current rate of 2.9851 the district took in $9.4 million for fiscal 2023/2024. With the higher property values heading into 2024/2025, the district will take in $13 million, even with the lower millage rate.

The district roll back rate is 2.0. The roll back rate would result in the same amount of revenue the district brought in from taxes in 2023/2024; $9 million.

The Fire District 2024/2025 budget public hearing will be held September 12th at 5PM.

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