How You Can Help The Beach School Teachers


With the Fort Myers Beach School on target to reopen this November, teachers at the facility are trying to replenish their supply closet in time for the return of the kids. They could use your help getting what they need. Here’s a Wish List for all of those need and how you can help…

Kindergarten & 1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th and 5th Grade
Literacy Coach

As far as how the rebuild is going, the walls are now going up and on Tuesday they start mudding the drywall and sanding the floors. The original floors remain.

School Principal Dr. Traci Kohler tells us, “We are on target and will be back on the island by the end of November. It’s so exciting to see the drywall going up and the opportunity to begin ordering furniture.”



  1. I disagree. I, and many others use the library frequently. As you stated we have a large senior population, many of which are not technically savy. Many others use the computers for jobs, benefits and tons of other necessities. Many still don’t have computers or internet available. Many lack transportation to lakes park.

  2. We pay for 10 teachers on FMB…..Does anyone know how many students attend this school? I “think” I remember seeing that each child costs taxpayers $28,000 to educate them at the school.

    We probably have 50 kids in the school and also, how many people use the library these days? We all have smart phones and everything is at our fingertips. Who even uses the library anymore other than needing something notorized. Homeless use it to bathe in the sinks and sleep. Town council could have worked out a deal with the county. That Library is such a waste of space.

    Since I have lived here I only saw 4 kids around my area and they were all renters from one family. They would take food from people’s trash and throw it all over the streets or smash oranges so they would explode in the roads. Lovely children. Well, I just gave to the paint fund and the kids Halloween treats and since $4,500 was just raised by Sharmon, I’ll pass on this one.

  3. Get rid of this taxpaying school drain and take the Library with you. I have been living here pre/ post hurricane and see no children knocking the door down to get to school, playing fields, ect Can you please tell us where these children live. I see no little darlings on any of my streets or beach and the 2021 Census show.
    Persons under 5 years, percent 1.2%
    Persons under 18 years, percent 4.2%
    Persons 65 years and over, percent 51.4%
    Female persons, percent 52.6%
    Great Nang for the buck.!!!

  4. Get the school out of the beach, sell the land and donate the money to the Lee county school district.
    There is a big need for school teachers everywhere but honestly the price per student having the school in the Island doesn’t make sense. Off course that will never happen because it’s been paid for with our TAXES.

    • Usually set up to deliver to the recipient. When you go to shipping, it should let you check “ship to recipient”

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