Lets Help The Historical Society


The organization lost many of its records during Hurricane Ian and Ellie and her team have been trying their best to update their membership list. If you purchased a lifetime membership, you do not need to worry about renewing. They no longer offering lifetime memberships. If you wish to join their effort to preserve the history of Fort Myers Beach, please consider becoming a 2025 meber just like Beach Talk Radio did on January 2nd for $100.  

They are now offering three levels of membership:

Individual Membership—$30 per year
This membership is for two adults in the same household. You will get their digital newsletter at least four times per year as well as monthly updates on activities. You will receive an invitation to public meetings and special events and will receive recognition in their annual membership list. They will also send you a souvenir gift upon joining or renewing a membership.

Supporter Membership—$50 per year:
This membership includes two adults in the same household plus up to four children or grandchildren. You will receive their quarterly digital newsletter and monthly updates. You will also receive digital invitations to public meetings and special events as well as recognition in their annual membership list. Upon joining or renewing your membership, you will receive a souvenir gift from EIHS.

Corporate (Business) Membership–$100 per year:
If you purchase a business membership you will receive the following benefits:

  • Your business name and logo on EIHS website home page.
  • Quarterly newsletter and any monthly updates.
  • An email invitation to public meetings and special events.
  • EIHS souvenir gift upon joining or renewing
  • Recognition at EIHS Events

You can purchase a membership HERE.

If you prefer to do this the old fashioned way, you can send a check to Estero Island Historic Society, 21681 Indian Bayou Drive, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so we can send you the gift and membership card.



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