If You See A Skunk, Say Something…


Would you like to be a skunk researcher? There’s no pay and there’s no guarantee that the job won’t stink. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has a new project for Florida residents. The organization is looking for help learning more about the one mammal most of us try to avoid at all costs.

Florida is home to two species of skunks, the striped skunk and the smaller eastern spotted skunk. Biologists are hoping to involve the public in collecting observations to learn more about the distribution of both species and the types of habitats in which they’re found.

And remember, this distant cousin to the polecat, weasel family and stink badgers, these furry creature are known for their ability to spray a liquid with a smell even more unpleasant than red tide.

FWC Mammal Conservation Coordinator Terry Doonan said there’s still we don’t know about skunks in Florida. “By reporting skunk sightings, you could make a big difference. Your information will help inform future skunk research and habitat management practices.”

To report a skunk sighting, visit MyFWC.com/SkunkSurvey to fill out an easy-to-use online form, or email information about your sighting, including species, date, time, location and any photos to Skunks@MyFWC.com.