Johnson Appointed to Mosquito Board


Steve Johnson, who is also the chairman of the Fort Myers Beach Marine Resources Task Force, has been appointed to the Mosquito Control District Board. Johnson will finish out the unexpired term of Henry Rothenberg who resigned. That seat will be on the ballot in the upcoming November election.

The Mosquito Control Board was established in 1949 by referendum. The three-member board has an annual budget of over $800,000 of your tax dollars.

There are two trucks used to spray mosquitoes and the Director of the organization is Michael Mills.

Joanne Semmer is the Chairman of the Mosquito Board and William Semmer is the Secretary. William is Joanne’s nephew.

The next meeting of the board is today. Monthly meetings for the Fort Myers Beach Mosquito Control Board meetings are held at 8AM on the second Tuesday of every month at 300 Lazy Way, which is near the Woman’s Club on Sterling Avenue.