Kids Should Back at School November 13th


According to a letter the Lee County School Board sent to members of the Fort Myers Beach School ad-hoc committee, demolition on the Beach School should begin June 14th and the kids should be able to return to their school on Monday, November 13th.

Bids for the demolition work were due back by May 31st. Board approval for the demolition of the school will be scheduled for the board’s June 13th meeting with demolition slated to begin June 14the. The goal is to have the demolition of the outlying buildings (not the historic building) done by July 14th.

At the same time, the school district architect is working on the required documents for the renovation of the historic building. The district expects the completion of the documents on June 15, 2023. The scope of work for the renovation will be advertised on June 18, 2023. A mandatory pre-bid meeting for the renovation work will be conducted onsite on June 28th. Bids from potential contractors will then be due to the School District on July 14th. The project is scheduled to be on the School Board July 31st.

Assuming all goes as planned, according to the school district letter, construction for the renovation is set to begin August 1st. The goal is to reach substantial completion by November 9th with a tentative date for the students to return to their school on Monday, November 13th.

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