Kudos To Mayor Kevin Ruane


Sanibel Mayor Kevin Ruane was named the Florida League of Cities Municipal Official of 2020 by receiving the prestigious E. Harris Drew Municipal Lifetime Achievement Award at the FLC’s annual business meeting.

Presented annually, this is the League’s most prestigious award. Named for Supreme Court Justice E. Harris Drew – the man who coined the League’s motto: Local self-government, the key to American democracy – it recognizes and honors local elected officials who have made lasting and worthwhile contributions to the citizens of Florida through their efforts and dedication in the performance of their duties at the local level.

Upon receiving the award, Mayor Ruane said, “It is truly an honor to be the recipient of this award and to find myself within ranks of all those nominated elected officials and those elected officials that have come before me. My journey as an elected official has not been completed alone. I have had the support of my wife, my community and elected officials as well as elected officials around the State.”