Learn About Snakes During The CROW Speaker Series


CROW’s weekly Virtual Speaker Series continues Monday, January 25 with a program called “Nonnative Large Constrictors in Florida.” Justin Dalaba, Science Writer & Outreach Coordinator for University of Florida’s Croc Docs will be the featured speaker.

Why are snakes important? Which ones are harmful and how can you tell? Dalaba will talk about the history of invasive reptiles and amphibians in Florida, how to identify native and nonnative snakes, and what you should do if you see one.

Dalaba is a part of the UF “Croc Docs,” a team of researchers on the forefront of reptile and amphibian conservation throughout south Florida and the Caribbean. Currently, he works to enhance public and scientific understanding of crocodilians and invasive species threats to Everglades restoration. He also serves as outreach chair for the Everglades Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (ECISMA).

The program begins at 4:00pm on the 25th and will be presented on Zoom. Registration is required and the limit is 100 people. Admission is $10.00

Register by visiting the CROW website HERE or by visting the CROW events tab on their Facebook page.