Learn About The Bees


(SANIBEL) CROW continues its educational speaker series Monday when Mary Bammer presents “Speaker for the Bees: Understanding and Protecting Wild and Managed Bees.” Attendees will learn the importance of bees to our ecosystem, types of bees found in Florida and how you can help bee populations thrive.

Bammer is the Instructional Designer for UF/IFAS Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab.  She also manages the master beekeeper program at the university and educates beekeepers in the US and around the world

This virtual event will begin at 4 PM and last approximately an hour.  There is a $10 plus taxes/fees per device. You can register for this interesting event at www.CROWClinic.org or CROW’s Facebook page under the “Events” tab.

Crow presents these discussions January- April to educate and entertain participants about a variety of conservation issues. You can find additional information about other upcoming speakers HERE.