Learn About The Florida Slaves


Did you know that over 61,000 freed slaves lived in Florida at the end of the Civil War? How were they assimilated into the economy and society? What role did coastal Southwest Florida play?

Join multi-award-winning author and internationally acclaimed lecturer Robert N. Macomber to learn about what happened to the 61,745 slaves in Florida at the end of the Civil War. This is the final public meeeting and presentation of the Spring 2025 season from the Estero Island Historical Society. Macomber’s presentation will be Monday March 10th at 2PM on the 3rd floor of the Fort Myers Beach Library. Register to attend HERE.

You’ll hear about tremendous efforts by U.S. Army officers, church missionaries, and volunteer doctors to assimilate former slaves into society as productive citizens. You’ll learn about what worked and what didn’t, the special fact-finding mission to our coastal area of Southwest Florida, how some Floridians tried to thwart the effort, and the legacies of that turbulent time which echoed into the 1960s. This is a little-known but very important part of Florida’s fascinating history.


  1. FMB Library is not scheduled to reopen until March 16.
    According to the above info, the Macomber presentation is scheduled for March 10 on the 3rd floor of the FMB Library. Date mismatch, no?


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