Lee County Adds Millions To Help Homeless


The Lee County Board of Commissioners is on a mission to help as many people without a home that want to be helped. This week, commissioners voted to accept $3.7 million in state and federal grants to provide housing for the homeless.

Here are the details on how the money can be used…

· $1,997,727 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) grant funds. Funding will provide housing and services to people experiencing homelessness. Funds are administered by the Lee County Department of Human and Veteran Services and local nonprofit agencies. More than 535 people will receive information, referrals, housing and supportive services. The grant money will be expended during fiscal year 2021-2022.

· $941,808 from Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act funding from the State of Florida Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) Office on Homelessness. Funds will be used to provide housing and services for persons experiencing homelessness. Funds will be administered by the Department of Human and Veteran Services and various non-profit partners. A minimum of 314 households will be assisted through rapid rehousing, street outreach, emergency sheltering and supportive services. The grant money of must be expended by June 30, 2022.

· $407,750 in grant funds from DCF to provide housing and services for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. About a dozen people will be prevented from becoming homeless, and 24 people will be re-housed. An additional 528 people will receive information and referrals for support services. The grant money must be expended by June 30, 2022.

· $362,662 in Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. Funds will be used to provide housing and services for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Funds will be administered by the Department of Human and Veteran Services to provide rapid rehousing and assistance with rent, mortgage or utility payments for about 100 households. The grant money must be expended by Sept. 30, 2022.

It’s unclear if any of those funds will be used to help the homeless on Fort Myerws Beach.

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