Memorial Ceremony At Library is Tomorrow


The Estero Island Garden Club will honor Veterans with a Blue Star Memorial Marker which will be unveiled tomorrow at 10 AM at the entrance of the Fort Myers Beach Library on Estero Boulevard. We will carry the ceremony live on Facebook, immediately after our show.

Service Members, Veterans, family and friends are all invited to attend.

The blue star was used on service flags to denote a service member fighting in the war. The program has since been expanded to include memorial Markers and Memorial By-ways. (Since 1994) These markers are used in National Cemeteries, parks, veteran’s facilities and gardens.

The National Garden Club honors veterans and active service members by installing these signs throughout the country. The first Blue Star Memorial in Florida was dedicated in May of 1949 in Key West.

The Estero Island Garden Club, a member of The National Garden Club, will sponsor the memorial marker dedication

The Blue Star Memorial dedication is based on the ceremony at Gettysburg, where President Lincoln gave his historic address. As part of the ceremony, there will be a brief history of the Blue Star markers followed by the unveiling and dedication of the marker. There will also be an invocation and benediction, a color guard, and patriotic music performed by “Brass Music Elements.” The event will conclude with echo taps.