Little League Sponsors Needed


The new season of Beach Little League is about to begin and the kids can use a little help this year. The main league fundraiser every year is parking cars during the annual Sand Sculpting Championships. Because that event has been postponed for the last two years, banner sponsorships will certainly help.

You can purchase a 4 by 6 banner, that will go on the fence of the Little League fields behind Bay Oaks, for only $250.00.

If you’re interested in purchasing a banner, send an e-mail to the Secretary of the Little League Marcia Scasny at

According to long-time Little League supporter and league umpire Charlie Whitehead, Beach Little League has been providing opportunities for beach kids since 1956. He says there are still men living in southwest Florida who played on the first team.

Charlie also provided a little history lesson on the fields, still being used for the league decades later. “The fields were carved out of the scrub, basically right where they sit now, in 1958. It was an ambitious group of volunteers who built the field, which has been in continuous use ever since. Those volunteers were but the first of thousands who have weighed in to give local kids the kind of opportunities we believe can help them become responsible and well-adjusted adults.”

Charlie has been umpiring in the league since 1988. He estimates about 2,500 kids have played Beach Little League.

The league works together with the town owned bay Oaks Recreation facility. The league assists with improvements to the fields including new fencing, dugouts and regular field maintenance and conditioning.

The Town has committed to never charging the Little League for use of the fields.

The league includes kids between the ages of 4 and 16.
Opening day on the beach is March 19th.