London Bay Submits Outrigger Property Plans


The next step has been taken for a new proposed development on the former Outrigger property that was purchased by London Bay last year. London Bay has submitted plans to town staff for review. It will be months of back-and-forth before the project gets anywhere near an LPA agenda.

London Bay purchased the Outrigger Resort property, and the Charlie’s Restaurant property across the street, in the Summer of 2023 for $32 million after both were demolished by Hurricane Ian on September 28, 2022. No plans have been presented to the community as of yet for Charlie’s. The focus for London Bay right now is the former Outrigger property.

Before the storm, The Outrigger was 3-4 stories high, with a Tiki Bar on the beach, and 144 hotel rooms. The building was a total of about 35-40 feet high. It was approved in 1995 before the town incorporated.

London Bay has submitted the project to staff as it was presented to the community at two meetings at Bay Beach and one at DiamondHead Resort over the last month. London Bay CEO Mark Wilson said in one of the public meetings he does not have a plan B.

London Bay is proposing a hotel that is 10 floors over 2 floors of parking for a total of 12 floors. The hotel would have 100 hotel rooms and 50 condo units they would sell in that same building. London Bay is also proposing a 15 story condo building over 2 levels of parking, for a total of 17 stories. There would be 46 condo units for sale in the second building. The proposal also includes 24,000 square feet of commercial space.

The London Bay proposal has access to the site coming from Estero Blvd. with an extended driveway leading to a central courtyard to mitigate traffic and stacking on Estero. The proposal includes 300 parking spaces and up to 72 spaces for bicycles, golf carts, and e-charge stations for scooters.

The proposal filed with the town states that “the height is a maximum of 200 feet over FEMA Base Flood Elevation.”
The development company is also hoping to keep the Outrigger Tiki Bar alive by providing some of the same setup on the beach, if it can be done. Whether that’s a Tiki Bar with equipment that needs to be connected and disconnected every day, or a food truck. That still needs to be worked out.

London Bay’s is also pitching the following list as public benefits:
– Shaded Public Park
– Public Beach Access
– Bike Parking
– Golf Cart Parking
– Beach Bar & Food Truck
– Beach Games
– Beach Showers & Restrooms
– View Corridors
– Cross Walk at Estero Blvd.
– Access to Valet Parking
– Lobby Bar & Restaurant (300-350 Seats)
– Cafe & Market
– Rooftop Bar (150-200 Seats)
– Ballroom & Event Terrace.
Once the back-and-forth is complete with town staff, the proposal would go to the LPA and Town Council in the same way other developments have been doing since the storm.

London Bay CEO Mark Wilson told Beach Talk Radio that if everything went according to plan, with no hiccups, from this day forward, doors could open in late 2027 or early 2028.



  1. The Town Council is an embarrassment- 3 months ago they went on record and said stick to the height plan and town development plan – they also said no more Condos . We need hotel rooms to replace flamingo , outrigger , Carasol, Dolphin and more – the last thing we need is a concrete city of Condos that would disrupt things for an extra few years , destroy the habitat and ad nothing of value – the presentation was a complete joke – pure dishonest Bait and switch – what a sham , shame on town council for letting it get this far – VOTE them OUT they don’t represent the People of FMB and their own Word .
    I live behind Charlie’s Boathouse and the lying scum of London Bay wants to put a 50 unit condo tower there and LIED – have no shame .

    • LOL

      I don’t think you have a clue.

      “Letting it get as far as it did”????

      Developers can create renderings of anything they like. Doesn’t mean it will be approved.

      This project has not been submitted to the town, much less been heard by the LPA or Town Council. And yet you somehow think it’s a done deal ready to break ground? 🤦‍♀️

      • Says in the article the proposal “filed with the town” yet you claim it hasn’t been submitted to the town. Which party is uninformed to the truth?
        Did the developers submit their plan knowing the town wouldn’t approve anything more than what was in the comp plan?

  2. Margaritaville was a unique location with visual restrictions coming over the bridge. This location should be allowed to comply with existing heights of adjacent properties, whether it’s 8 or 17 stories.
    No one complains with the mega houses restricting the views of folks across Estero. This particular property infringes on no one at the moment.
    Beach bar? Margaritaville has one.
    Bottom line – we need the venues that support visitors at the south end.

  3. Nope, too many stories . Sorry if they don’t have a plan B. Poor planning on their part . Plus don’t appreciate the strong arm stance.

  4. The village needs to keep them to the restrictions that Gulf side 12 & Margaritaville were held to. It took Margaritaville 9 years to completion. If not something with the new board will look corrupt!

  5. Have these companies foot the bill for a mid-Island bridge to Tamiami Trail and give them what they want! The down home feel will be gone and Marco here we come! In some way it sucks but they want something, so lets get something back that will easy the pain

  6. Whatever happened to FMBs height limitations??? Do u really want another Naples or Marco to ruin the unique downhome flavor of FMB? I know change is inevitable but please, with moderation. Unfortunately, money talks. $$$

      • Totally agree right after Ian the Town I thought said nothing more then 4 story buildings ( if the town allows one that has more then 4 stories you open a can of worms for others to follow) the town needs to have a back bone and no matter what to these big developers. Whether you live on the South End or North End before Ian it was hectic to maneuver with traffic, walkers, bikes and now we allow golf carts on the street this island wasn’t laid out in the earlier years to hold all these new proposals.

  7. It is not this this Town’s obligation to allow development to eliminate the vision of this Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Our Town must abide by our Plan, unless and until the Plan is amended and voted on. No? Of course there can be certain variances, but height/floors over parking should not be one of those. That was a fundamental factor when we voted to become a town. 17 stories…Really? That’s insulting. London Bay knew the rules prior to purchase.

    • Well said Jessie.
      Question now is will this council’s actions meet its promise, the one everyone heard – no comp plan
      or height restriction changes.
      So why would the developers be coming in with buildings like this.
      Perhaps those private talks with each council member have been meaningful after all.
      The vacillating may already have begun.

  8. Surely the town council was aware of London Bay’s plans prior to this proposal. They see nothing but tax revenue and will do what the developers want unless we stop it. As for the price London Bay paid for the lands, not every investment I made was profitable. They were aware of the risks. Residents have to be proactive to stop what is coming… if they truly oppose it.

  9. Agree completely with Eric and Marcia. It sounds beautiful – but, it would be a monster on this Island.
    Margaritaville is quietly waiting ….
    No Plan B ….. ???
    Purchased Sandpiper too – BIG plans !
    Again – No one ever addresses TRAFFIC

  10. I recall London Bay in an interview maybe with BTR that they had a backup – just condos. They knew the $$$ before they bought and proceeded on that basis. So BS. This really is a masterful smoke and mirrors plan. Stick with the density limits. 3 floors over parking. Town Council stick to the plan.

  11. At this point their tiki bar vision is just that, only a vision and a vague promise of what “might” happen. It would be nice if they could get a solid answer whether they can have a tiki bar or not. The former tiki bar was wildly popular and it seems London Bay is using the possibility of having another one as a tactic to gain public support. Chop off a handful of condo stories and the plan might fly, it seems fair to have height that matches that of nearby condo buildings.

  12. It’s all a hard call. We would love to see these abandoned empty lots be developed. But with the cost of the lots, the developers have to make a place that will be worth the expense of land, development etc. Somehow the council needs to come up with a win win situation for people who want to buy the property and keep the expansive structure under control, while it will still be worth the buyers time and money. Well good luck with that idea seeing it takes the council a very long time to agree on many ideas.

  13. I’m in favor of the plan and don’t think that the proposed level of build will impact traffic to a degree that is inconsistent with the levels we have today as the majority of people who frequent Santini Plaza and the new buildings will stay on the south end of the island. My wife and I are permanent residents of the island (Waterside) and we only go to the north end of island on rare occasions; once Santini Plaza comes back we will avoid the north end completely, at least in season. That’s my opinion though and I’m pragmatic and realize that there will be a lot of back-and-forth on the issue before construction even begins. My plea to detractors is – be prepared to negotiate with London Bay and compromise. Lets remember that the only constant in life is change.

  14. Nope, small island, consider the infrastructure and affect on the natural resources. Too many stories, too many condos. Rebuild what was there, keep the greed out of out the equation.

  15. I totally agree with all the opposed views above. We live on the south end if the island and do not want it to change. Stick with the town’s vision and DO NOT ALLOW this kind of development. Please let the residents have their voices heard. The island cannot support this.

  16. It takes 0ne to two hours to get off the beach now..and 70 percent of our condos are probably empty..We are going to need a new bridge…causeway in the middle of OUR island soon..Do we have the infrastructure in place for all of these huge hotels. Probably not.

  17. It should be noted that London Bay also bought Sandpiper Gulf Resorts property. Are you getting the picture?
    Further research on that storm…

    • It doesn’t really matter what the tallest building currently is. FMB became a town in 1995 (I think) after Diamond Head was approved by Lee County to stop all the high rise developments. That’s one of the town’s main missions, to keep new developments smaller.

  18. We totally agree as residents. We need to pay close attention to who gets voted on to the LPA. Our vote is a hard No for Ed Schoonover because he is favor of this skyscraper. Stick with the current regulations.

    • Thanks for the shout out. I am indeed in favor of the vision and idea of what London Bay has put together. I believe it would help with traffic issues to get some businesses on the south end. Us South Enders are now forced to go to Bonita to spend our entertainment dollars. There is a process these projects go through and we have a democratic system in place to render decisions on asks such as this. I plan on bringing a devils advocate attitude to that process and would make my decisions based on logic and the communities benefit. Not from an anonymous post on BTR. I hope you understand.

      • So, Ed Schoonover, the democratic system you mention is already at work, the majority of islanders have made it clear they don’t want more tall buildings and their government has responded by promising no changes to height or comp plan.
        What is it about that system you don’t like or understand?

        • I understand that system completely. You proved my point. The Mayor was very succinct today when he brought up density. The rest of my answer can be heard on BTR at 5 PM Friday happy hour.

          • Ed Schoonover
            The mayor was among those who promised no height or comp plan changes.
            That’s the promise a big majority is expecting kept.

      • Ed, in 14 years I never had to go to Bonita for entertainment. So you think a 200ft high condo and pay for access beach club is the new fmb? Smh. Next thing you will want is to astroturf the beach in the south.

  19. I agree with ALL of the comments.
    Everyone has a plan B.
    We are on Bahia Via. (south of Flamingo) Traffic has been backed up south of us frequently this season! The Catholic Church used to be the benchmark for a rare, excessive backup.
    We have restrictions in place for a reason…please, please, please follow said restrictions!

  20. The town showed their stance on the LDC and comprehensive plan at a previous joint meeting. They all voted to keep it intact as is. I wonder if London Bay didn’t do their homework before buying the land. There will have to be a “Plan B”, because the town won’t approve such a monster project. LB has proposed a beautiful project, but unfortunately it’s just the wrong place for it. They’re trying to smash 30 pounds of sausage into a 2 pound package. Can’t be done.

  21. The picture you included above, and provided by London Bay is deceiving. Perception from the south makes the 17 stories appear shorter. Why not do a straight on shot from the ocean? Gulf side 12 will look like a parking garage. On another note…is Maragaritaville waiting in the wings to sue the city if London Bay goes over what they were allowed? Just imagine the loss profits they could potentially sue for…

  22. As much as I would love a place to grab a pina colada on the beach nearby my beach access, I do not think the town should be approving a sky scraper (even if it is in the Southend). First, because of the density that will add to our traffic and second, because that will pave the way to his other projects to be high as well as every other development waiting in the wings looking to go big or go home. We are on Flamingo st and have never seen the traffic backed up this far and this often and this early in the afternoons. Thanks but no thanks London Bay even if that means we just get a condo like 12 gulf views? Next door to you. That is about as high as you should go.

    • We are on Curlew and could not agree more. This will be very intrusive to the residential neighborhood. They should be held to restrictions of Gulfside 12 and Margaritaville. Most of these item listed are not public benefits but rather just London Bay property benefits. More parking just drives more traffic. Gulf carts and scooters do not decrease traffic. Also there is already public beach access is already available at Flamingo St. No thank you London Bay

  23. This is not in keeping with the Fort Myers Beach we know and love. We do not need more density, height or traffic on Fort Myers Beach.

  24. No way the town should approve a 15 or 17 story skyscraper. What happened to the 3 story building code? This project as proposed is much to large with no benefit to quality of life on FMB. It’s not our fault the developer overpaid.

    • Why would London Bay take such a risk of purchasing this property without believing they could have their plans approved? Seems pretty risky to me!


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