LPA Field of Candidates Grows


There are now 5 Fort Myers Beach residents who’ve applied for the 4 open seats on the Local Planning Agency. The LPA is going to be making rebuild/development recommendations to the Town Council over the next few months and years that will last a generation. 

Pearl Street resident Anne Neaf has submitted her application to be appointed to the LPA. We asked Neaf why she decided to apply for the LPA. “Civic duty is an honor and a privilege I take seriously. Most of my engagement in Ft. Myers Beach has been through litter pick ups, as an Election Day poll worker & on Halloween with trunk-or-treat. 

With the LPA gearing up to make so many big decisions about future development we asked Anne what her views were on development. “It’s complicated, especially here. There are so many factors to consider and a one-size-fits-all approach does not work anyplace, let alone a community recovering from a horrific natural disaster. The FMB community existed before the Town officially did. There are non-compliant lots that require variances, density situations in neighborhoods, building heights, environmental safety issues, public safety issues plus more to consider while also rebuilding a unique town with charm, character and environmentally sensitive public parks. I’m a concerned citizen, not a development expert.” 

She goes on to say that Margaritaville is the best example regarding variances. “Before it was built there was actual blight along Estero Blvd. and now it’s a thriving resort with positive economic & aesthetic impact. I don’t know every detail of that project but I do know the LPA and Town leadership carefully considered every aspect of it before moving forward. There were meetings, lawsuits, changes, outcry, and finally the end result. All of that takes time & effort & it’s more than just a meeting on Tuesdays to get it done properly.”

The other 4 applications are all from current LPA members: John McLean, Don Sudduth, Doug Eckmann and Jim Dunlap.

The Council will fill the 2-year term seats on October 7th.

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  1. Are other potential candidates for LPA going to be featured? These non elected LPA members are guiding redevelopment of the island (if unanimous without elected Council oversight) and there is little visibility on what criteria are considered for appointment nor their length of tenure and reappointment date (every two years??) More info please…Mind boggling that non-elected committees/advisors can approve development without elected official oversight despite unanimity of the group although Anita is superb but at times outnumbered in her stewardship of our island!

      • LOL Right here – just exasperated that on the other “big” article this edition, the uninformed commenters think that current council members are named “Aikers, Attleholt, and Stafford.”

        Apparently the commenter wondering if “other LPA candidates would be featured” missed the article that did precisely that.


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