LPA Votes to Deny New Pink Shell Resort


After being tabled for one month to allow town staff to review additional documents, the Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency recommended the Town Council deny a new 40-unit Pink Shell Resort. The Town Council will get a crack at the project in January.

The Pink Shell team went before the LPA to make several upgrades to the resort. The biggest item was a request to build a new 40-unit, 6-story boutique resort on the Bay side of Estero Boulevard on the Bowditch Park side of the dilapidated house (the owner of that house is also proposing to build a boutique resort). The property The Pink Shell owns had tennis courts on the property and is located directly across the street from Vacation Villas.

There was a bit of a twist in this story since we wrote about it last month. It appeared, up until this week, everyone believed The Pink Shell had no density remaining to build on the Bayside of Estero after a rezone years ago where they asked for – and received – more density to build more units on the beach side. LPA Vice Chair Jane Plummer said, “There were promises that were made to keep it tennis courts, parking, a walkway, open views, and green space. That was promised forever.”

Community Development Director Sarah Probst said she researched the covenants on file and it did not include the tennis courts/parking lot area. It only included the property on the other side of the dilapidated house, closer to the marina. She said, “The covenant restriction that was adopted does not appear it was intended to include that other piece of property. I can’t find any reference that the density transfer included the tennis court property”

Years ago the town passed a resolution that covered 3.2 acres of Bayside property that The Pink Shell could not develop after the density transfer. Nobody knows where that 3.2 acre number came from because all the land The Pink Shell owns on the Bayside only adds to about 2 acres total (see picture below) which also leads Plummer to believe the density transfer included the property closer to Bowditch.
Staff recommended denial for two reasons. They say the building is not consistent with the height of other buildings in the area (see picture below) and there was no good way to evaluate the equivalency factor the Pink Shell used to get to 40 units. According to the town code developers can convert living units to hotel rooms with a 1 to 2.5 multiplier, depending on where the property is located. The multiplier for the new Pink Shell resort is 6.7.
The meeting included several twists. Estero Island Beach Villas, which is on the south side of The Pink Shell resort has hired an attorney to intervene and has threatened a lawsuit against the town if the project is approved. Richard Dewitt, representing Estero Island Beach Villas said the Pink Shell proposal is fatally flawed. “I have not seen one project so inconsistent with a Comp Plan. There will be a review in court down the line.” Dewitt objected to the Equivalency Factor The Pink Shell was asking for, among other things. He said the Villas owners are not against development on that property but this is not the right plan.

Another odd occurrence at the LPA meeting came during public comment. Fort Myers Beach Operations and Compliance Manager Frankie Kropacek spoke at public comment for The Pink Shell. He discussed how The Pink Shell is a good neighbor to the Fort Myers Beach community. The resort helps with the town’s pump out boat at no charge to residents. It’s the first time anyone can recall a town employee speaking at public comment in favor of an applicant. Especially, being that town staff recommended denial of the project.

LPA member Jim Boan said over all the years he’s been on the LPA this was the most difficult decision he’s had to make. He said he’s vacillated back and forth on this project. “The staff denials were objective denials. When I balance the request, which isn’t perfect, the public benefits the town is receiving justify the request.”

Vice Chair Jane Plummer said most of the 20 e-mails received were not supportive of the project. “I cannot support this based on the fact that I sat in the room when it was decided there were no buildable rights there. All density was transferred across the street. I’m sorry. I love The Pink Shell but this has already been transferred.”

LPA member Jim Boan made a motion to approve the project which failed by a vote of 4-2 with Jim Dunlap voting also yes. John McLean then made a motion to deny the project which Boan tried to abstain from until the town attorney told him he had to vote. The vote to deny was approved by a vote of 4-2. Chair Anita Cereceda had an excused absence.

The proposal will now go on to the Town Council in January for a vote where new development projects have been received more warmly than the LPA. Mayor Dan Allers will most likely abstain from the vote because he does business with The Pink Shell through  his Golf Cart company.

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  1. This is all a waste of time. The residents of FMB don’t want LARGE structures, the LPA seems to agree. Then it goes to the city council and they all vote to go ahead. Believe what you want they are on the take.

  2. On a side note, it’s mentioned that Dan will likely sit out the vote due to his business dealings with the Pink Shell. I wonder if Scott will recuse himself from the votes on London Bay when they go to council based on the thousands of dollars in campaign donations he accepted from them??? Don’t hold your breath……

    • The mayor can’t vote on anything pink shell. Margaritaville or diamond because of his business partnership. Is that legal? What if other council members had a business agreement, who would vote? HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!

    • That would be wonderful if Scott cannot vote on the London Bay project, where can a person go to find out the conflict of interest issue and make sure that doesn’t happen?

      • Too bad the residents of the south end don’t voice objections to Seagate. Don’t expect anyone mid-island and north to support your position on London Bay.

  3. Too bad the town council doesn’t listen to the LPA .
    This will be approved by the town council.
    For some reason the town council wants to be approve new developments and stop pre-existing properties
    This will so destroy the small island neighborhoods .

  4. I scratch my head every time I see stories like this, why don’t the developers abide by the compliances set in place instead of building a freakin’ skyscraper?
    Pink Shell is definitely good for FMB but that’s as far as it goes, build your buildings, don’t keep asking for more.

  5. Deciding the proposed building is not consistent with others in the area, how can the town justify Seagates proposals? (Spot Zoning).
    Why is it placed on the taxpayers to support the pump out at the mooring boats?

  6. So, the guy in charge of compliance attempts to use his influence by sending up a cheer for Pink Shell and get it what it clearly isn’t entitled to under town rules.
    This is the same guy who told council in October he would not tell those food trailers to get out of the flood zone despite their non-compliance with town codes and FEMA’S explicit warning their continued presence could result in the suspension of 5000 property owners’ flood insurance discount, which ultimately happened.
    The only questions now are how has this guy skated accountability and why is he still collecting a paycheck.

    • Isn’t this the same guy that’s right in the middle of the town’s follow through disaster that resulted in FMB to be the sole community to lose their flood insurance discount?

    • Because his boss, the town manager Andy Hyatt is supporting and allowing this. Frankie will be the scape goat and he’s too stupid to realize it. The new town mgr Andy Hyatt and his crooked sidekick Frankie are DUMB AND DUMBER

  7. Nicely done LPA and thank you for your time, dedication, effort and research to either approve or deny the project. Now it’s time for the four council members to ignore your recommendation and do whatever the heck they personally want to do.

  8. Really?
    “Staff recommended denial for two reasons. They say the building is not consistent with the height of other buildings in the area…”

  9. Staff recommended denial for two reasons. They say the building is not consistent with the height of other buildings in the area (see picture below

    Town council doesn’t think that way…look at 17 stories next to one and 2 stories headed towards approval for seagate!

  10. Do we want to stand with 1 voice in opposition to these developers?

    There is currently a petition against Seagate. If you are opposed sign it and put in the comments if resident, property owner or friend of the island.
    We have 670 signers so far.


    We can. Stand together and show Town Council we don’t believe these fit the island.

  11. Ironic that Pink Shell fought TPI’s proposal to build Margaritaville. Fought all the way to the bitter end. I love Pink Shell, but this was a stretch to be approved. It is too bad that more people didn’t watch the actual meeting. Like Ed said, it was complex with twists and turns. The pump out was a huge benefit though.

  12. We should have a rule against representation for the town speaking either for or against a project. I believe it’s called PUBLIC COMMENT.

    Just another item that shows once again what a total joke the whole process is these days!

  13. The only developers showing up are ones to take a risk on this low lying island that is sinking. Good luck on returning developers. Just my thought after speaking with a local builder.

  14. I feel so sorry for ft myers beach residences. I will be there this spring and I’m reassured that I will expect to see no improvements 🙁

  15. I am deeply worried about the FMB incompetent’s board members. This is a travesty to keep the island from business developing. Are we expected to live in rubble. They are stopping progress and infrastructure at every corner.

    • We have rules for a reason. The ones slowing development are the developers. They can build what they can by right and have no need to come in front of the LPA or Council, they can go right to building. Realize any of these proposals that are in front of Council are 5 to 7 years away.

          • Rumors typically become fact. I do know of one person who literally said they “bought” council. You can believe what you like but the way council is handling the seagate development there’s no other reason to allow such large towers other than some sort of benefit provided to council members. For example, the Mayor has business agreements with all the major resorts. Margaritaville, pink shell, diamond head. His golf carts and bikes are rented thru the resorts. Talk about quid quo pro


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