Lynn Hall Renovations Underway


Day one created quite a mess in Lynn Hall Park with washing stations overflowing with trash as the $450,000 restroom renovations began Monday. The regular facilities are closed while the upgrades are made. The project is expected up to three months. It’s season and spring break on Fort Myers Beach, the busiest time of the year.

Two toilets and one urinal are being added to the mens room. Four toilets and one sink are being added to the ladies room.

In addition, the county is converting space now being used for storage to two family style restrooms. Lee County Parks and Recreation Director Jesse Lavender says the upgrades are being made to meet the needs of the growing population.

According to Lavender FEMA regulations only allow 50% of the building to be improved. As it turns out, this project was originally delayed after a contractor scheduled to do the work backed out. During that delay, the value of the building went up so Lee County was able to add more work to the project to get to FEMA’s 50% limit. It went from being a $375,000 renovation to a $450,000 project when a project to install new roof insulation was added in which will make the restrooms much more comfortable.

The goal is to be done and have the new facilities open before the 4th of July weekend.

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