Council Approves New Neptune Resort


On Monday the Fort Myers Beach Town Council voted 4-1 to approve a new 71-unit resort hotel at 2310 Estero Boulevard. Mayor Dan Allers voted against the new Neptune project because it increases the density of the hotel by 100%.

The Neptune was destroyed by Hurricane Ian in September of 2022. Continental Hospitality Group purchased the Neptune one year before Ian with a plan to operate the resort and give it a few upgrades. Since the 1960’s the resort had been a magnet for families visiting Fort Myers Beach, despite the fact it didn’t have a restaurant on the property. 

The Neptune Pre-Ian

The pre-Ian Neptune had 3 buildings that were between 2 and 3 stories and 2 pools. There were 71 units. The new Neptune will have 148 units and the building will be 6 floors (4 over two levels of parking). There will be a restaurant that is open to the public that seats 150 people with indoor and outdoor seating. And, if the owners can make it work, the resort will include a restroom that is open to the public (or contribute $30,000 toward a town owned public bathroom) and a 20% discount for residents on food and beverage.

The new neptune

The height of the building will be 51 feet from base flood elevation. The proposed development will be a total of 129,925 square feet. There are two access points on Estero Blvd and one point of only egress from Delmar. The proposal includes 164 parking spaces plus an additional 16 that would be deeded over to the town as public benefit. Those parking spaces could generate as much as $350,000 in annual parking revenue for the town.

Regarding the cleanup of Continental’s Adam Valente said he hopes to start demo work in the next few weeks and have the buildings gone and the lost cleaned up by the end of March.


  1. Stick to the plan! Everyone is trying to build higher & add more rooms for more people! Our infrastructure isn’t big enough for all this!


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