New Shell & Mollusk Program Announced


The National Shell Museum on Sanibel has announced the New Sunrise Shell and Mollusk Stroll program. Participants will join a marine biologist from the Museum on an early-morning, low-tide beach walk to learn about local mollusks and their shells, and to search for living mollusks.

These small group experiences will help participants gain a closer understanding of molluscan biology and biodiversity, and with the cooler seasonal temperatures and timing with very low tides, they are excellent shelling conditions and a good opportunity to find and observe living mollusks.
“This new program offers a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of our shore ecosystems and for shell and marine life enthusiasts to build their knowledge base,” said Sam Ankerson, Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum Executive Director.

Here’s the Sunrise Stroll schedule:
Tuesday, November 28, 7am
Thursday, December 14, 7:45am
Friday, January 26, 7:30am
Thursday, February 8, 6am
Sunday, March 10, 7:30am

All walks take place at Lighthouse Beach on Sanibel. Capacity is limited and pre-registration is required. Cost is $10/adult, $5/Museum Member adult/$5 child (17 and under). Parking is not included. To register contact Associate Director of Education Jorden Falker at, or go to to learn more.