New Town Manager Hiring Pushed Back


According to Town Manager Andy Hyatt, after early interviews and background checks the original seven finalists he targeted to take over his job dropped down to three. That sets the process back at least one month with a goal of bringing the Town Council 5 finalists and 2 alternate finalists.

Hyatt, Executive Assistant Traci Kohler, and Human Resources Director Talissa Oliveira have been sifting through the applications and had set a meeting date of March 25th for a special Town Council meeting and community meet-and-greet. That meeting has been canceled and is expected to be rescheduled for April.

There were about 40 applications for the Town Manager’s job, less than half the number of applications the town received when former Town Manager Roger Hernstadt was fired after Hurricane Ian and the election of John King and Karen Woodson.

The Town Manager job pays a little over $200,000 per year plus benefits depending on the candidates qualifications.

Hyatt informed the Town Council in January that he did not want to extend his contract past the two years he originally signed on for. He has said his final day on the job is April 30th.



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