Big Book Sale is Tomorrow


The Friends of the Library is holding its next big book sale tomorrow and Sunday from 9-2 at the Fort Myers Beach library. Grocery bags will be provided or you can bring your own.

You can fill the bag with books, CDs, and DVDs all for only $15. All proceeds benefit the library.

The Friends of the Library donates $20,000 a year to the director for his wish list for the library.

Volunteers are also needed on the following days:
– Thursday, February 24, 9:30 a.m.: Help with set up of tables and moving books to the garage area
– Friday, February 25, 9:30 a.m.: Unpack the books
– Saturday, February 26, 8:45 – 11:15 or 11:15 – 2:00: assistance at the book sale
– Sunday, February 27, 8:45 – 11:15 or 11:15 – 2:00: assistance at the book sale
– Sunday, February 27, 1:45: Help needed to box the books back up and move to storage