After the town notified Terry Persaud it would be demolishing the old Fresh Catch building at 3450 Estero Boulevard starting March 5th, Persaud quickly applied for a demo permit and paid the $486.88 fee. The permit doesn’t expire until September 1st.
The Town Council wants Persaud to demolish this building. The Town Council wants all property owners to clean up their lots. It’s been over 2 years since Hurricane Ian and they believe it’s time to clean things up.
When Persaud was asked by Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt if there was any specific reason, like fighting insurance, that he has not taken the delapidated, unsafe Fresh Catch building down, he answered no. He told the Town Council it was his decision, and his decision alone, to leave the building standing. That answer didn’t go over too well.
The town had already red-tagged the Fresh Catch building back in 2024 which started the process that results in the town demolishing a structure if the property owner doesn’t come into compliance. That process includes notifying property owners, giving them enough time to respond, file an appeal, and stop the permitting process of taking their structures down. If that process is ignored, and the town has to demo a structure, the cost is added to the property owners next tax bill. So far, the town has not had to demolish a single structure when they initiate this demo process. They’ve gotten close but each time so far the property owner comes into compliance.
The question local residents want to know now is whether or not Persaud will actually follow through and demolish the building. He’s listed his General Contractor Nickel Construction Group on the permit, not a demo company like Remove-it-Pro’s or Extreme Demolition. We sent an e-mail to Nickel Construction asking when the building would be coming down but that went unanswered as of print time.
A highly reliable source at Town Hall believes Persaud has no intention of taking the building down, that he’ll continue to delay the process and work the demo cost into a sale of the property. We do know that, at one time, Seagate was interested in purchasing that property but we have not heard anything about that possible agreement in many months.
Persaud also owns several pieces of property in Times Square. The former Dairy Queen property close to the pier is another parcel the town has had to constantly berate Persaud to clean up and fence off. He recently removed giant broken chunks of concrete from the property and it has been fenced off. He also owns the former Sunset Grill property adjacent to his paid parking lot. So on the flip side of things, Persaud needs the town. He’ll soon be asking the town to approve a new 4-story building on his .5 acres of property in Times Square. He needs 8 deviations from the Land Development Code so he can build a 58,630 square foot building with 50 hotel rooms, a restaurant and retail space.
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First, Terry Persaud has No intention to knocking down that eye sore. He’s playing with the city just to buy time so he can make a deal selling the property he’s done that time again over and over.The one’s who get to lose again are the owners on FMB. Shame on the leaders of FMB allowing Persaud and others like him to get away with such appalling messes all around this city. When does it stop before this city starts moving forward it’s been almost three years since IAN. Look around and see most other cities have been moving forward at a record pace leaving FMB in ruins. All we hear is what the council has done for the residents, Ok I like to see those in writing. Many of what has been accomplished was through FEMA not FMB. The reason for the poor sales of property on the island just look around.
This is the equivalent of “kicking the can down the road” again. How long will FMB suffer because of this guy, he obviously has no intentions of being a part of this community, the only thing he’s done is prolonged the forward progression of the town, ALL of his properties are an embarrassment to FMB. He can get on here and be a keyboard commando and try & call out Ed all he wants, we all know he’s out for himself and could care less about the future of the community.
Actions speak louder than words….
Post my entire comments to the council on the Junkanoo property from February 6th!
Your comments on a reliable source from town hall is a blatant Lie !
I know yon need Clicks but not at the expense of our Community, which we are trying to Rebuild !
Let’s see how long it takes to remove this –
Why don’t you sell your property and go be a boil on some other towns a$$
Please Terry
just tear it down
Do the right thing
Please Terry, Clean up the Times Square property, our island economy needs it gone, clean it and leave it as beach until you decide to build. PLEASE PLEASE
FACT is that people see right through your games and disrespect for the town you supposedly care about….
Regardless of what is reported and what is not reported… I just want to ask a question to you Terry? Maybe you can set some of us straight. What property have you expended money and time, to bring back after Ian hit all of us so hard? I’m just not seeing any kind of active participation.
Ed rarely posts the FACTS. He’s full of shit most of the time trying to stir up controversy for ratings. Most are beginning to realize he’s NOT good for our island. Go away Ed, just go away and leave our island alone, we don’t want you here spreading rumors and controversy any longer!!!!! GO AWAY!!
If the town acted 6 months ago, his stalling time would be up. If he is in financial difficulties the town could knock it down (and others ) and put lien on parcel. The knock down cost will be priced in final transaction anyway. Alternatively the town could knock it down and issue temporary parking permit or food truck permit to make it asset to residents and visitors while awaiting sale.
My neighbor ( the investor haha) has been doing the same thing with building without a permit. He gets cited, months later when it’s time to go to court he “applies” for a permit, but only pays the fee and doesn’t go through the permit process. When the city finally takes him back to court he plays the country bumpkin and says he didn’t know what kind of permit to apply for. Judge gives him almost two months to comply. He still has done nothing on that permit. 45 days ago. Btw he built on top of a city outfall drain that is 23 years old. Last month the city replaced the drain from Estero to his property and stopped. He isn’t cited for building on easements, just no permit.
Hey Ed, for as long as FMB officials have had or will have dealings with Persaud, everyone knows with absolute certainty who’s the true master of ‘FAFO’!!!
Persaud’s always playing chess while the checkers players have no moves left, but to ‘clear the board and start another game’.
He’s sooo many moves ahead and/or willing to sacrifice just a few pawns here & there to stalemate & checkmate all that challenge him.
Your investigative/ informative reporting on FMB is way above & beyond what is revealed & shared/reported on by SWFL media (TV,Radio, Newspapers)!
The ‘Dinky podcast’ that roars!
At what point, does the town council muster up the courage to say “NO MORE!” with this guy. This building and this guy are microcosms of why FMB still looks like it got hit with Ian last week, instead of close to three years ago. He is absolutely no good for this island. Make him want to sell quickly and leave, never to return.