Santini Plaza Will Host Food Trucks….Eventually


We certainly know how anxious everyone is to have Santini Plaza back open as soon as possible. Especially residents living and visiting the south end of the island.

We’ve been staying on top of the progress at Santini as much as possible with a big assist from Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt.

We did find out Monday morning that once the parking is safe and secure there will be Food Trucks set up in Santini until your favorite restaurants reopen.

There is no hard date set for when that will happen because it’s unknown when the work will be completed. There is underground work that needs to be done. We were told progress is being made and it’s being made as quickly as possible.

Right now, the parking lot is not safe enough to allow for the food trucks. The owners of Santini Plaza have permits for 5 food trucks and plan to add food trucks to their parking lot as soon as possible.

All we can say is stay tuned.


  1. The spirit of the island is BACK baby!!

    Time to have another drunk party barge cruise where you look at the water & dolphins vs staying on land and looking at year and a half’s collection of literal rubble piled in different places! (Eye roll 1,000,000)

    What an absolute disaster.

  2. Like everyone else who lives on FMB I am disgusted at the lack of progress on Santini Plaza. From what I hear previous renters at the plaza want to get in ASAP, but have been hampered by the owner of the property.

  3. This lot had a huge tent for supplies, showers, laundry, bathrooms, giant semi with ice, food trucks, and other large equipment after the storm. Why is it unsafe now but ot then? I’m just curious. What is the real reason nothing is getting done or moving forward?

  4. I think this is trying to put a band-aid on a chasm. It’s now been 16 months since Ian and the property barely has had anything done to move forward. This is an absolute disgrace by the property owner and total disregard for the Town, Community and what used to be loyal customers to his tenants. The Town should not give a single consideration to this property owner. Maybe he will do what’s best for FMB and sell the property to a responsible person or company.

  5. Council is trying to address rehiring at this time. Unfortunately resources can only go so far. Please be patient we will get there soon. However in the meantime you are welcome to hop in your cars and head north.

    • Joey thanks but no thanks, I’d be stuck in traffic for hours before I make it off the island. LOL a maybe walking will be faster…. On a Serious note, the Town Council needs to be proactive in getting projects UNDERWAY. For example the pier taking 4 yrs that’s unacceptable.

  6. Any hope for food trucks to be established before St Patrick’s Day? Will there be the usual Parade this year? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have that be a big kickoff for Santini and the restaurants there👍👍👍

    • Yeah! That’s über important! We can call it “The Shamrock Rubble Pub Crawl and Parade!” where people can all ultimately end up at Margaritaville!

  7. If the lot isn’t safe, then why is it being used every day by trucks and trailers parking there? It’s safe enough for them. If lighting is an issue, have the food trucks shut down at sunset. Rather than give excuses for why the lot isn’t ready yet, just own up to the real reason why….someone dropped the ball!


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