Seagate Receives First Approval From Town Council


Seagate’s Red Coconut redevelopment project received its first of two needed Town Council approvals Monday. A second public hearing will be held on November 4th. If the Council approves the plan after that public hearing the project can begin.

Last week the Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency voted against the project 4-2 with LPA Chair Anita Cereceda stating that the “public benefit being offered did not meet the request for additional height.”  However, town rules allow an applicant to continue on to the Town Council for a vote even if the LPA denies. That’s the gamble Seagate CEO Matt Price was willing to take and it paid off. Mayor Dan Allers was the only no vote stating it did not fit in with the vision of the town’s Comprehensive Plan.

The Seagate plan includes two condo towers that could be as high as 17 stories. They are asking for buildings that are over 200 feet higher (235 feet total) than what’s allowed by right. They are set back off Estero Boulevard.

In all the project includes 137 condo units and 4 homes. Price told the Town Council that Fort Myers Beach has got to change. “It’s becoming clearer and clearer that this island is going to change. Certain properties are screaming for out-of-the-box thinking.”
In proposing the motion to move the item to a 2nd reading, Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt said, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” He went on to say that this is a time for choosing. “This project is in the public interest. Seagate has been responsive to the needs of the town. It’s an innovative proposal for the 10 acres of property.”

Councilman Scott Safford said, “I’m not sure what else Matt (Price) can do. He’s not increasing density at all. It’s a beautiful project. We need to move forward and move forward together.”

Price did commit to enhancing the park feature on the beach side of the project as long as Lee County does not require Seagate to build a road access off Estero Boulevard. He also said he would look into the possibility of adding public restrooms even if they were trailers. Public permanent restrooms on the beach side are challenging to build due to FEMA regulations. Price also said he would look into more turn lanes on Donora Boulevard which is an issue Saaford wanted him to address.

After the vote Price told Beach Talk Radio News he’s “appreciative that the Town Council has confidence in the Seagate proposal and we look forward to making the needed changes that the Council asked for.”

During the public comment portion of the hearing those who spoke out in favor of the project and those who spoke out against the project were evenly split. Former Red Coconut property owner Fran Meyer spoke at public comment in favor of the Seagate proposal. She also told the council that she met with a lot of developers, some that came up with outrageous proposals for the property.

Price said if Seagate receives final approval next week the final design phase will take up to a year. He said the Beach Club on the Gulf side would be built first and act as a sales center for the condo units. He said with 2 towers being built it enables Seagate to move forward without as many pre-sales of the condo units if there was only one tower.

If the buildings are eventually constructed they would be the tallest buildings built on Fort Myers Beach since before the town incorporated back in 1995. Tall buildings being built with the approval of Lee County was the main reason the town moved to incorporate back then.

The current Seagate proposal includes 2 buildings that could be 17 stories high, a total of 137 condo units, 4 single family homes, 3 parks, a restaurant open to the public, a 240 foot view corridor on the beach side of the property, a private pedestrian walkover and a private beach club with availability of local paid memberships.

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  1. 17 stories, really? Silent Majority loves it, Tom? Problem with the Silent Majority, you never really know what they want until you ask. Have you asked, or are you clairvoyant?
    BTW, are there any 17-story condos being proposed for Sanibel? No. They know what they are and what they want to be. We don’t. Seems like we’re desperate for development. Lee County loves this. They will get nearly all of the incremental tax revenue.

  2. As soon as the election is over Dan will be all for it and he will be pushing for “work-force housing”. He’s playing it safe now to secure another term. Speaking of “work-force housing” in one week I saw 2 vans filled with Haitians standing around by condos on Lenell, I saw 2 MS-13 looking guys (tattoos all over their necks, arms and faces) shopping at Publix, I saw 3 of them, racing up and down my street on a dirt bike motorcycle and lastly I was cleaning out my sidewalk inside my back yard(through my fence) and suddenly 2 Haitians appeared. They didn’t speak English and a van of them was waiting out front. All they said was “jobs” and stood in my yard staring at me. All of these events took place within 1 week. Keep this in mind when you hear people push for work force housing. Let’s not forget that it is on record that Dan spoke with a developer about building work-force housing on the island.

    • WFH is geared toward teachers, firefighters, and law enforcement, clearly evidenced by the income caps based on a percentage of LeeCo AMI. (The income cap for a single person is ~$90k.)

      Sounds like you just want to post racist rants rather than understanding what workforce housing is and how it’s vastly different from Section 8/subsidized housing/low income housing (which still doesn’t excuse your ravings).

  3. The town incorporated to avoid this height and keep the small town feel… plus if you live here you can see daily the absolute problem with traffic our infrastructure is going to be maxed out who is going to pay for these updates I assure you it’s not going to be the developers. If our elected officials allow this to go through I see two options remove them from office or dissolve FtMyers Beach and return back to Lee County. The latter would save us a few tax dollars. This will be only the beginning of many more high rise development.

  4. I’m still reeling from the effects of Helene and Milton, but I’m willing to put that aside and get to work if there’s anything that realistically can be done to influence the second vote on Nov. 4. We need someone to lead the opposition. Jessie? Anyone?

  5. We need something beautiful like this after all the destruction. Hate me all you want. I am glad and it will be amazing. Please refrain from replying with hate. I won’t bother to reply. I love Ft Myers Beach and it has been hard the last few years. God Bless our Island.

  6. I’m amazed – I have heard not one word on a compromise. If the developer wants 17 stories and the general public does not, let’s compromise at 10 to 12 stories and other changes to the developer’s plan that will be more acceptable to everyone. Also what makes anyone think that things would be better if the town council were dissolved? What would the impact be of placing FMB under the management of Lee County?

  7. The FMB City Council should be ashamed. Obviously they have their own agenda. Maybe it is time to revert back to Lee County. It would save taxpayers money and get rid of the city government that failed us. I understand that we need to rebuild, but our little island is going to sink in more ways than one. It’s pretty obvious that Seagate knew exactly how this was going to turn out–otherwise, they’d have modified their plans before resubmitting.

  8. Town Councils’ “Public Meetings”, asking the Public to Email their thoughts and concerns …. is a joke !
    The flood gates have opened – BEWARE
    Overwhelming concerns of residents that have been here for many years, pay taxes, experiencing the pros and cons of this Island – TRAFFIC !
    Personally have absolutely NO respect whatsoever for 4 Council Members – since they have NO RESPECT for us.
    Matt Price KNEW exactly what the outcome would be.
    Anyone OK with this is NOT a Resident, has their own agenda or has truly LOST their mind.
    This opens Pandora’s Box -infrastructure …? legal implications… ? Traffic – wait, 🤔 nobody cares !!!
    Soooo, remind me –
    Why is there a Comp Plan … ?
    Why put the Town in jeopardy when there’s rules in place ???
    Ohh sorry …
    keep forgetting $$$ talks !!!
    Seriously, looking into a petition here.
    Enough is enough.

    • You are correct. Money talks. This will open tje flood gates. Can’t turn down others when you approve this. EIBC should sue if they are not approved.

    • Just because it’s not 1995 doesn’t mean it has to be Miami Beach, Clearwater or Marco Island! FMB became a town because it DID NOT want to become a concrete jungle! If that’s what you want, move to place whose Comp Plan allows for that, because currently, FMB’s SUPPOSEDLY does not!

      • Just because it’s not 1995 doesn’t mean it has to be Miami Beach, Clearwater or Marco Island!

        It won’t be….not even close

        1995 was 29 years and many hurricanes ago….

        • Actually, it will be like Marco and Clearwater. This approval represents the proverbial death-by-a-thousand-cuts. Piece by piece our little island of paradise will disappear, and in the end, we will look upon it and say “my god, what have we done?” RIP Estero Island. It was good to know ya.

    • Says a realtor making money off the sales!! SMH If you want to sell Naples prices, go to Naples, or Clearwater, or Miami!!! Our island is loved for it’s old Florida charm. Or was until they opened the flood gates. The 4 of them should be ashamed. But I’m sure their payouts help them sleep well.

    • You don’t live on the island. All you do is sell real estate, which is why you put your full name and your title and your company to advertise yourself. Shameful! I am glad you did so we all know who is nothing but a money grubber. This is not your community so you advertising yourself is really a disgrace. Go away. We have our own Realtors on this island that actually own their home and live on the island. They have the sense of community that we want not an outsider.

      • Agree 100%. Tracy is only in for the money, and cares nothing about what the full time residents think. Listen to Jessie Titus, a realtor who cares.

  9. What’s interesting is there does not seem to have been an environmental assessment on what the impact will be on Mantanzas Pass Preserve. Since most of it will now be deprived of direct sunlight by the massive buildings for at least half the day or more, the impact on its wildlife and vegetation will be detrimental to the point the preserve may become unrecognizable in a few short years. Another loss for the town and its residents.

  10. Yes, changes are coming to FMB but something this controversial should be voted on by the residents not just the council and mayor. They promised you a comprehensive plan. They lied. Never forget London Bay is next on their agenda.

  11. What about the HURRICANE EVACUATION time for the added density from all these proposed projects?
    That is the limiting factor on development in the Florida Keys.
    Time to enforce the Florida laws with a lawsuit!

  12. As I said before the Town Council should be removed except for Dan
    Obviously there was a pay off.
    The council didn’t even try to respect or do what was in the best interest of the residents of FMB
    Shameful and pathetic money grubbing morons..

    • With all due respect. Dan votes against it now but as soon as he has secured his seat for another term, all bets will be off and he will be for it. Notice how he never gives a straight answer until be sees what everyone else says, then he will give a wishy washy answer. Ed tries week after week to get answers and updates from Dan and Dan just gives some non-answer. He is the only council member that is not a college graduate, has a very weak resume and doesn’t own a home on the island. Just because he voted no this time, let’s see how he votes after he wins again.

  13. Matt Price didn’t take a gamble on that vote. He already knew exactly what he had.
    And he told you what you’ll have to accept – places like his.
    The arrogance is breathtaking.

  14. We need to Dissolve the Town of FMB Government ASAP. If the reason for forming is not being followed, why are we paying higher taxes to have it.
    If we’re going to have the Wild West on FMB in terms of development, there NO reason to have a town…
    Just sayin 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    • Agreed – the Town Council is a disgrace – many conflicted – everyone supported the comprehensive plan –
      The end of FMB is fast approaching –
      Every member voted against more Condos – yet here we are .
      Sad day for the residents of FMB –

  15. So now you know folks.
    It’s the development industry not you who has chosen the vision for this island community.
    And you thought all those private, one-on-one chats between council members and the industry were harmless. That’s where the deals are made, surprises are cast.
    Open government dies in darkness.
    Sad there’s only one challenger for a council now badly in need of change.

  16. In any pitch for adding height, you ask for the sky, knowing darn well that you will settle for a lesser amount. Seagate asked for 17 floors, where is the compromise even with public benefits. Why not tell them what the public benefit is worth…I.e 10 floors? Where is the negotiation on floors???

  17. Timeline: Incorporated in 1995 almost 30 years ago, Ian 2022, 2 years ago. No one could have imagined the devastation and destruction of the original buildings. It is time for the town to make decision and they did. Location of this project had a lot to do with it. EIBC is on the beach and closer to where the most density is. Yes, there is a comp plan but it is in a sense, somewhat antiquated post Ian. There will be some projects bigger than others and some will be next to you and some won’t. The town needs to move forward with or without you. Can’t be penny wise and pound foolish because people can’t pick their new neighbors.

  18. And everyone thought traffic was bad during season before!!!! We have a one lane road in and out!!!
    I wonder just who’s pocket they were in and just how much $$ was exchanged to get this approved and im not talking to FMB 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.
    Elections matter.
    And now the litigation will begin for FMB and we all get to pay for the councils decisions.
    This was the reason the town was incorporated. To stop this kind of thing. These developers had to be in the councils pocket long before they purchased these properties because they knew the rules before…..

  19. I’m sorry 17 stories is MUCH too high. In actuality density IS increased because trailers being replaced were mostly one and some two bedrooms. Replacing with 4 bedroom units is far more than doubling “people/density” for traffic and everything else such as stormwater, water and sewer, etc. I say keep it similar to the prior sleeping capacity and the buildings can certainly be lower! With millions dollar unit prices this should make this “doable” financially. Think about the buildings at Lovers key (height unknown) do we want this kind of height mid island???

  20. Finally progress after Ian. It’s been 2 years since Ian and the island looks deserted and trashy. The island needs more development which hopefully will bring life to the depressing island.

  21. Anyone who have driven through Sand Key will realize what FMB is going to look like down the road; a hideous wall of highrises on both sides of the road. The OP is there for a reason. The town council should do the right thing and resign in shame, except Allers.

  22. This might be good news for the art association which was right across Donora and destroyed in Ian, currently an empty lot. If Seagate could find us a place to have our art group meet and paint and provide paintings for their guests it would be a great opportunity for us as artists and for Seagate. A project like this, a beautiful building and art go hand in hand. And the space we had for our building could be used by Seagate as extra parking space for their guests.

  23. They are not increasing density! Gringos want 4 bed and 3 bath. What do ya all expect. Ground level mud huts. New beach, new build.

  24. Correction, these aren’t the tallest building since incorporation, these are the tallest building ever on FMB. The current tallest buildings are 198 ft, these will be 255 feet. 56 feet taller!!!!! 235 ft over the 17 feet flood plus 3 feet free board).

    • Oh no they are blocking your view of a cloud. You can’t see through a one story building from the street. So who cares how tall it is. Let’s me guess traffic. Because everyone will just be driving back and forth over the bridge all day. Come on people. How ridiculous do you all sound.

      • Well, obviously you are not here during season. And I could care less about “view corridors”, if I want to see the water, I go to the beach.
        But, For us who call FMB home, taking 2 hours to go 4 miles is not fun.. it’s an Fing 1 lane road each direction!!!!
        The infrastructure can’t handle this density. The roads, the Sewers, etc can’t handle it.
        And oh yeah, why have building codes, ordinances, etc. that were approved to stop this kind of development, if not going to be followed?
        Time to dissolve FMB at a town and just go back to the county and save $$$$&

        • Actually I owned mango Rita’s on time square. So yes. I know what season is. Most of those folks are day trippers. We know this because we as a business ask people when they come in. So your traffic woes do not come from folks actually staying on the island. So the solution is parking garages off island to stop the cars from coming over the bridge. The county, state and town should definitely be pushing this solution. Already a bus lane. Utilize it. Nobody wants to park on pine ridge and still wait in traffic. It needs to be just over the bridge.

        • Never Mary but if I chose to move to a barrier island in Florida or anywhere I sure wouldn’t expect there not to be traffic. It’s a vacation spot. Probably exactly why you moved here to begin with. So not sure what your point is but those who live there chose to live on an ISLAND in Florida!! I mean hello. What did you expect? Horrible argument to have. Like complaining about airplane noise living next to an airport. Kind of the same thing. Nobody is forcing anyone to live there. Not one person was born there.

  25. I’m pleased to see the council is coming around what FMB needs. Modern and well built structures. Can’t wait to photograph the beach line with the high rise in my new book.

  26. The density is the same as Red Coconut. Looks like a beautiful development. Ian change FMB forever not the developers, change is inevitable.

  27. I agree it’s an open minded concept not a narrow minded. Time for beautiful developments and tax revenues for the beach.

  28. Old rules shouldn’t apply for a new ft myers beach. You have to build up. The whole bottom levels are needed for parking. Build baby build!

  29. This is the best example ever of why early voting is a farce. How many are waking up this morning ,after being such responsible citizens , wishing they could get their vote back.?

  30. I’m callin BS on this. This is so sad. I really can’t comprehend just how this town got sold out. I sure wish I hadn’t voted already. And the neighbors who will have this in their back yards…. they didn’t buy in to this and believed in what our plan promised. And, to think we actually believed what we thought to be THE most important aspect of the vision for this island would be upheld by our Council. What a laugh. Our trust has been kicked under the rug.
    17…SEVENTEEN floors…and absolutely NO attempt at any compromise. I’d like to see every council member, excluding our Mayor, resign. They went against what our comp plan specifically states. They did not uphold our plan and even went against our LPA . In fact, I’d be surprised if the town isn’t sued by its citizens. So nice to know, though, that we’ll have pretty trailer bathrooms on the beach. Wow…What a crappy deal we just got dealt. I’m so ashamed of our Council. Do we still have a voice in the matter or is the second hearing just an exercise? I guess London Bay will also get approval that monstrosity, too. Four people did this…. “For the People” has died.

    • I think that we were lulled into a false sense that the TC would back up their vote to uphold the plan when they denied EIBC. We should have realized after the Myerside approval what the Council’s real intentions are. I think this will be the tallest building on the Beach and in a residential neighborhood to boot. Amazing what a promise of a drinking fountain, bathroom and a bar will get you.

    • Agree 100% Jessie. So sad.
      We moved here 15 years ago for the quiet quaintness and safety of this beautiful island. We could have moved, due to job transfer, any place between Tampa and here and chose here.

      I am sad and all but Dan need to resign. Not only did they go against code but didn’t even fight for residents.

      Can this island handle the weight and changes to infrastructure? Fire Department can’t reach over 8 stories let alone 17. We don’t have water pressure now, try to fight a big fire without water. Sewars overwhelmed and roads that can’t handle the traffic.

      So sad.

    • I agree SOLD OUT is exactly what is being done. Margaritaville respected the islands wishes and one of the reasons it fits so well on the island. Everyone else including Seagate should follow suit.
      There is already too much traffic for skinny little island,🏝️.

    • So, maybe being on the LPA isn’t so important after all? Look at your boy Scott who just sold us out. SMH Maybe vote for more solid reasons.

    • Dan will only be against it until after the election, then he will be for it. He is just trying to secure his job. Don’t kid yourself. He only cares about his job. That is why his answers are always non-specific. Don’t be fooled.

  31. Sad day for FMB.
    NEXT council meeting residents need to show up and pack the room. Letters are not enough they don’t hold the weight of us actually being there in person.
    Counsel got this one wrong and opened the flood gates.
    Stop the madness and stick to code.

  32. I cannot believe that they would vote for 17 stories. So much over the allowed height requirement. Looks like some of the council members are ignoring the rules. They might need to rethink their second vote with elections in sight. This is also a green light for London Bay, just unbelievable! What a letdown for the island! Really sad that they are allowing this to happen.

      • I th8nknyou are incorrect. The final vote is slated for Nov 4. The election is Nov 5. Too bad, I agree the citizens of this town need to turn their backs on these council members, just as they have turned their backs on us.

        • If the council had any integrity they or the Mayor should push the meeting back to let the “Voters” have a say on who gets to make these decisions. Too big for lame ducks to have a say. We see enough of the swamp in DC, do t need it on FMB

  33. There are height limits for a reason. We change the limits and we change the character of the island. Is that what we want, especially mid island. I vote NO.

  34. Well done Anita and Dan for commitment to the Town and it’s vision. For the rest – they are the reason we need to go back to Lee County (or can we choose Collier for even less tax burden). Approval will not speed up the process – only delay things with endless debates on what is allowed, and lawsuits from the likes of MVille etc. The bottom line is the island cannot support that style of development and it incorporated to avoid this. Might as well save tax and go un-incorporate if this gets approved.

    • I think Mville will be applying for extra floors not suing. Next, the council will be approving tall buildings for Seagates property, Colony Beach club, Junkanoos, and beach Baptist, citing precedence of high rises nearby.

  35. The end of the small town atmosphere of Ft Myers Beach. Not all progress is good. The town should of stuck to their height & other requirements. Seagate would of come back with plan B that they have in their back pocket. They didn’t pay tens of millions of dollars for that property to just walk away. Nice going Fort Myers Beach leaders.

    • Agreed, tabling this for a look at a plan B would have been a nice option. Seagate most likely had one. The question on most of these larger developments should be how low will you go. 10 stories seems high however 17 is going extreme. If approved the development requests will only go higher from here using this development as a precedent. Just looking at the houses going up around my neighborhood, I understand the island is changing and am all for moderate development in that direction. This ask is extreme and again will set precedent for even bigger asks and potential litigation costs if not approved in the future,

  36. Ahhhaaaa haaa haaaa haaa. You people have been sold out ! Enjoy your construction for the next 3 years. And … homeless water fountain doesn’t seem so bad now does it. Say hello to south Clearwater bitches


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