Shots Fired in Lynn Hall Park


We’re hoping to get more details from the Lee County Sheriff’s Department about this incident later today. Here’s what we know. Around Midnight Sunday night/Monday morning deputies were called to a shots fired incident in Lynn Hall Park.

Six 9-millimeter shell casings were found when deputies searched the area. Our sources tell us this is believed to be a drug deal gone bad. Fortunately there were no injuries. Whoever fired the gun has not been caught.

Local hotels were canvassed by deputies to make sure everyone was safe.

There are no cameras in the area and the park is extremely dark at night, especially with it being turtle season. There are some who believe it’s dangerously dark and say when police are unable to be around both cameras and lighting deter crime.

We’ll have more details on this incident if and when we get more details from the Lee County Sheriff’s department. Those details will be posted to our Facebook page.

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