Stay on Top of The Blue-Green Algae Issue


The Clean Water Conversations topic hosted by The Friends of The Everglaades on Wednesday, July 27th will be toxic blue-green algae. Here’s the lineup of guests and how to register.

The conversation will include Matanzas Riverkeeper Jen Lomberk, 1000 Friends of Florida’s Outreach Director Haley Busch and Friends of the Everglades’ Policy Director Gil Smart. The moderator will be Friends of the Everglades Executive Director Eve Samples. They will all discuss the lack of follow-through, and the work that remains to protect Florida from toxic blue-green algae.

In 2019, the year after a historic toxic-algae crisis, Florida’s Blue-Green Algae Task Force released its initial “consensus document,” outlining steps the state should take to restore Florida water bodies that have been adversely affected by blue-green algae blooms. Yet, three years later, many of the task force’s sound recommendations have been ignored by Florida’s elected leaders.

If you would like to attend the event, it will be streamed to the Friends of The Everglades Facebook page and YouTube channel from 12 – 1 p.m. on July 27th.

You can also register HERE.