Street Performer Permit Update


For those who’ve been following our plight with the town of Fort Myers Beach over being pushed out of the square and inside Pete’s Time Out to do our Saturday morning show, here’s the latest…

From 2018-2020 our Saturday morning program was performed at table #23 of Pete’s Time Out. Over that two year period, every sitting member of the council, the town manager, elected Lee County officials, town employees and former council members had appeared as guests on the show. For those two years not one town employee or elected official said anything about being at table 23, that it was against the town’s rules.

After one former council member complained to the town (we believe it was about something we said), we were given a warning for operating a business in violation of town ordinance 18-46. Last week the town of Fort Myers Beach code enforcement department warned all restaurants in Times Square that they were not to allow us to do our show at any of the outside tables. They did not state us by name but they did say, “I’m sure you know what this is about.”

Last week we submitted an application for a street performers permit. If granted that permit would allow us to perform our one hour Saturday morning show in the publicly owned space in Times Square. A specific number of permits are granted to street performers every year and there are several still available.

On Monday, Community Development Assistant Patty Prevost, who has been a pleasure to work with by the way, that we “should have an answer this week.”

If the town manager denies our permit request we have the right to appeal his decision to the full Fort Myers Beach Town Council. On October 10, 2018, Town Manager Roger Hernstadt happily appeared on Beach Talk Radio as our guest. You can listen to that episode HERE.

We would like to thank all of YOU for writing letters of support for the show. Every letter was attached to the application when it was submitted last week.


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