The Book Nook is Open For Business


After losing every book in her Santini Plaza location thanks to Hurricane Ian over 2 years ago, Annette Stillson’s Book Nook is back open for business. Annette will be holding her grand reopening January 18th with a multi-author event from 10:30 to 2:30.

This will be a great opportunity to meet and greet several Florida authors. 

Following the storm many of you who follow beach Talk Radio donated books to Annette so she could get back in business. If you have a chance to stop by her location and say hi Book Nook hours are:  9AM-4PM Monday thru Friday. Saturday 9AM-2PM (Closed Dec. 13,14,15,16).

Follow The Book Nook on Facebook HERE.


  1. We came up to FMB in November from Vanderbilt Beach after reading on Beach Talk about Santini Plaza and Annette’s Book Nook and Island Shop were opening. Annette opened for us as she was getting ready to leave so kind of her and we chatted a few minutes. My husband bought a new book by one of the authors who I believe will be at the grand opening and I bought one for the beach. I’m so glad to see her back, she is a lovely person.


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