The Clock Will Be Back By September 28th


That’s what Fort Myers Beach Town Manager Andy Hyatt said on Beach Talk Radio Saturday. The iconic clock in Times Square was one of the most popular selfie spots on the island. It disappeared when storm surge destroyed the entire Times Square area on September 28, 2022.

The original goal was to try to have the new clock installed by the 4th of July.

Back in June, the Fort Myers Beach Town Council accepted a donation from George and Linda Merschman who donated the $38,000 to purchase the replacement clock. On Monday Public Works Director Jason Freeman announced that the town finally has the Times Square clock in its possession and may need to redo the foundation. Freeman also said that the town is now coordinating with electricians to get power to the clock.



  1. The pier replacement needs to begin asap. The positive psychological impact of seeing the pier rise again will be immense. Just to fish from it or take a stroll would be a delightful step toward restoring the beach. Let’s get cracking on this.

  2. As a new resident in the area, this is some of the greatest feel good news I have heard yet. From all my visits to the beach, I could see how everyone saw how the clock was the symbol of the entire beach community. It will be a great boost to the morale of the area.

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