The Long, Painful Wait For Santini Plaza To Open


About 6 months ago it appeared Santini Plaza, a vital retail and restaurant strip for residents living on the south end of the island, was on the fast track to opening.

Then, it wasn’t.

This week a very observant resident sent us this picture of stacks of drywall on the sidewalk outside the building. So, of course everyone wanted to know what that meant. We went right to Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt who’s been in contact with the owner of the plaza just about every day. Here’s what he had to say, “I am told the drywall is for fire walls and interior walls for the permit that was recently approved for Santini Plaza. The fire inspector was there Thursday. Their electrician is scheduling one last inspection with the town which will occur in the next few days and when those inspections are complete they will start to hang the drywall.

Atterholt went on to say that with the fire department fire wall permit approval, the only thing left is the owner needs to submit a final lighting plan permit application to the town. Atterholt says that should happen any day now. “I’ve prepared the key town staff members so they know it’s coming and we will turn it around very quickly.”

You may have also noticed this sign (to the right) in front of the plaza. This is not a for sale sign for the plaza. This is the firm that will be representing the owner of Santini Plaza and working with existing and potential tenants on the details of their leases. The broker has not yet sent the proposed rental agreement to the tenants but that is expected to come after all permits are approved.

It’s important to note that even when the outside of the building is ready, and all permits have been issued to the building owner, tenants of the plaza have to build out their individual units.


  1. It will take time but it will be beautiful. I hope most of the restaurants come back. Sandbar was a nice to have open until Midnight. And Sky’s was a delicious Mexican food restaurant. It is unfortunate that Truly Scrumptious is not coming back. That was our breakfast joint. It will be missed.

  2. Sadly …. Agree !
    And for Tenants not even know what their rent is going to be after this long- not looking good !

  3. No need to rush, look at the occupancy potential this year around the immediate are. Still under construction , evident by the abundance of cyclone fences isolation the condo’s. Rent, inventory, and additional overhead for small business’s requires buyers, and the traffic of users too low.

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