The Pub Without The Putt Hauls in Over $6K


This past Saturday between 40 and 50 people took part in The Pub Without The Pub Crawl following the cancellation of the Woman’s Club Putt & Pub Crawl due to COVID-19. The goal was to save some of the money collected each year and distributed to several community organizations.

A total of $6,156.25 was collected from participant donations throughout the day and generous checks written by several local businesses. A PayPal account was set up about a week ago where $1,750 was donated. Another $2,614.25 was collected by passing the hat at each restaurant we stopped by. And, businesses donated the remaining $1,787.00, including: Nervous Nellie’s ($500), Mangorita’s ($300), Pete’s Time Out ($250), Snug Harbor ($250), La Ola ($200) and Salty Crab $287 from a 50/50 raffle they held all day.

“We are so thankful for the generous people and businesses on Fort Myers Beach,” stated Dawn Thomas, Putt & Pub Co-chair.  “This event is held so that our local non-profits can raise awareness and funds.  We truly feel blessed and we plan to make the 2022 Putt & Pub Event bigger and better than ever.”

Thank you to everyone who participated in the event this year. It was a lot of fun meeting new people, spending money at local restaurants and raising money for these awesome community organizations:
Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club
Fort Myers Beach Community Foundation
Fort Myers Beach Lions
Friends of the Fort Myers Beach Library
Everglades Wonder Gardens
Fort Myers Beach Art Association
Friends of The Arts
Friends of Lovers Key
Fort Myers Beach – PTO
Turtle Time


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