The Show is Jam Packed Today


Join us live tomorrow morning from the public square at Pete’s Time Out as we bring you another action packed informational episode of Beach Talk Radio. Water quality, a local author who penned a political thriller, and the new owners of Hammerhead Gym will keep the show humming at breakneck speed. Here are the details…

John H Campbell is the Corporate Communications Chief at the US Army Corps of Engineers in Jacksonville. Campbell will join us via video link from 8:30 to 9:00 to discuss what the Corps does and the impact the Corps’ decisions have on water quality in our area

From 9:00 to 9:30 retired Federal Judge Bob McCormick has written a new book called Prior Restraint. Interestingly enough it’s a political thriller involving political greed and dead journalists. Political corruption is everywhere. McCormick spent 31 years in Washington DC, 15 years as a federal judge.

And the new owners of Hammerhead Gym on Fort Myers Beach, Bob Bunger and Sarah McCormick join us from 9:30 to 10:00 to talk what plans they have for the fitness facility the recently purchased here on the beach.

Join us live in the square with a great breakfast from Pete’s Time Out or watch us live on Facecbook or YouTube. Subscribe to our YouTube page for notifications whenever we post new videos.

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