These Pet’s Need A Nice Home


Find A Home Give A Home is an all volunteer not-for-profit dog and cat rescue organization located on Fort Myers Beach run by Isabelle Wells. This week she has quite a few dogs up for adoption at her house. Here’s the latest from Isabelle…

“Sprout is 100% Pug who is cute, funny and friendly with everyone. He is 10 months old and all muscle weighing, just over 25LBS. With a houseful of dogs, we had to play musical rooms to keep everyone happy. Two dogs go in the bedroom, then 4 dogs in the living room rotating them every couple of hours. My days are busy but they all make me laugh.”

“Elsa is the Australian Shepherd we saved a couple months ago who went under surgery for a problem she had with her esophagus. She needs extra TLC as she’s afraid of many things and easily excited but the most gentle dog at night. A real snuggle bunny. She has one more visit to the Specialist before we can find her a home, hopefully with 2 or 3 acres and a brother or sister like her.”

“Saving two sisters. Daisy (6 years and 7.6LBS) and Precious (5 years and 10LBS) are two sisters who will need to be adopted together. They are so cute and depend on one another. Daisy is friendly, a Min Pin with huge ears. Precious is a chihuahua and is a little shy at first.”
“Adorable yorkies “Farah” and her mate “Frankie” were rescued from a breeder where she was bred to produce many puppies. It was sad to see them completely lost and neglected. Frankie is completely dependent on Farah and loves her dearly. Both were vetted this week and will need a home. Preferably together.”

“Indie (Red Husky) and Danny (Siberian) were also rescued that day. Between 7 and 8 months old they are gorgeous and very friendly. They will need someone who knows the breed and understands the Husky temperament.”

Find A Home Give A Home is dedicated to finding permanent, loving, responsible homes and educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, reducing overpopulation of cats and dogs and to teach proper pet care. If you’re interested please call 239-281-0739 or email