Town Council, Sandelli Endorse Mulicka


The entire Fort Myers Beach Town Council and retiring Lee County Commissioner Ray Sandelli have endorsed David Mulicka to fill Sandelli’s seat. All 5 believe Mulicka will be the best voice for Fort Myers Beach at the County level moving forward.

Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers, Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt, Council members John King, Karen Woodson and Scott Safford have all endorsed Mulicka. They all believe Mulicka will continue in the footsteps of Ray Sandelli, in terms of best representing Fort Myers Beach and its needs.

Mulicka is running in a Republican Primary on August 20th. His opponent has run a strictly negative campaign, including attacking his family, and has shown no sign of understanding any of the issues impacting Fort Myers Beach.

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno has also endorsed Mulicka.

We also urge you to vote for Mulicka in the August 20 primary.

See all of Mulicka’s endorsements HERE.
Read more about his campaign HERE.


  1. You’re a broken record. Your candidate has no platform. He doesn’t even know what TDC stands for.
    I love listening to people speak at public comment, just not you because you say the same shit every meeting. Stop bitching about this productive Board of Commissioners and run for office.

  2. I agree 100% with Ed Ryan’s assessment posted here.
    Why is it that annoying, obnoxious people are unable to step back and take an objective look at themselves and initiate positive change to better themselves? SMH.

  3. David Mulicka has dumped toxic and hazardous waste into surface water, has contaminated soil and groundater. He is not fit to lead and taints the reputation of our community and anyone who endorses him. His illegal actions rightly undermine trust of ANY and EVERY agency interacting with government in Lee County and impair the community’s resilience in protecting water quality, holding polluters accountable and lawfully handling debris a
    d waste.

    • Good grief lady.
      It’s painful enough that we have to watch you waste everyone’s time at EVERY Lee County Board meeting, looking over your glasses, like you’re better than everyone. Here you are now blasting the candidate that Lee County voters will overwhelingly vote for on August 20th. Why? Because your candidates suck. Every candidate you support will lose. Nobody is listening to anything you say. If YOU ran for office you would lose overwhelmingly. All you can do is whine about how Terry Miller is the king of winning. When will you and your crazy crew realize that’s not a winning strategy. Maybe come up with a plan B for the next election.

      Ed Ryan
      Beach Talk Radio

      • Attacking folks that are engaging in legitimate ways, through public comment at BOCC meetings and submitting a reply you have solicited on your platform — shows that you ONLY want to hear a message that you agree with and attempt to control, even when your message deceives the public, and tries to normalize Mulicka’s dumping of hazardous waste pollution into surface waters. Your response shows you lack the will or courage to honestly address pollution and corruption that is enabled by concentrated power.

      • I hate that you are going so political, with your newsletter and FB page. Everyone has and can have a different opinion. It is OK. One other thing please let the Mayor
        know, people are very concerned about his overall health. He needs to do something before his heart goes out. Thankyou


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