Town Hall Should be Demolished Soon


That’s what Interim Town Manager Keith Wilkins told the Town Council Monday. The permit has been issued to knock the building down and all the town is waiting for is the final approval from FEMA.

Town Hall has been sitting untouched since Hurricane Ian came through town nearly 7 months ago. The town has been fighting with its insurance company like many residents have.

The Fort Myers Beach government has been operating in the former Bank of America building on Estero Boulevard since about 1996, originally holding meetings on the second floor. The town purchased the building in 2014 for $1.1 million.

It’s unknown where the town government will operate from when they lose the temporary trailers they are operating in, on loan from the state, in June. Options include renting the trailers from the state and have them moved to either Bay Oaks or the old town hall site, or find a temporary building to lease or buy while a new town hall is built.