Town Manager Meeting Reset to April 18th


Town Manager Andy Hyatt, Executive Assistant Traci Kohler, and Human Resources Director Talissa Oliveira now say they will have a group of 5 potential candidates to take over as Town Manager for the community to meet on April 18th. After early interviews and background checks with the first batch of potential candidates, a batch of seven became a list of three which prompted the cancellation of the meeting in March.

Hyatt, Kohler, and Oliveira have been sifting through applications. Originally the town received about 40 applications but opened the process back up to more applicants after the March meeting had to be cancelled. 15 more applications were submitted between March 6th and March 21st.

Hyatt informed the Town Council in January that he did not want to extend his contract past the two years he originally signed on for. He has said his final day on the job is April 30th but would be flexible for the town if needed.

The Town Manager job pays a little over $200,000 per year plus benefits depending on the candidates qualifications.


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