Town on Pace For Record Year in Fine, Parking Revenue


Through June of this year the town of Fort Myers Beach has collected just under $1.6 million in fines and parking revenue from residents and visitors. That 9 month total is already more than any full year of Beach and Street Patrol revenue dating back to 2013.

The responsibility of Beach and Street Patrol, also known as B.A.S.E., is to enforce town ordinances and write tickets for parking violations.

In March of this year, a record $286,598 was collected. The second biggest month of fines collected was April of this year, coming in at $247,310. And right behind April was May, coming in 3rd with $206,000. Before this year, there wasn’t a single month that exceeded $175,000.

To put the fine revenue growth into even more perspective, back in 2013, the total revenue collected for the year was $489,234. March and April of 2022 combined for more than that entire year. Of course, the town has raised the fine amounts levied since then and increased the cost to park.

With July, August and September still to go in the fiscal year, it’s not out of the question that the town could bring in $2 million in revenue from fines. That would be an increase of nearly $500,000 from 2021.

* This article was updated to make clear the total also includes parking revenue.

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