Town Plans to Demo 3 Buildings


And the cost to knock down those three structures is estimated at $100,000 according to the Town Attorney. The town will then attempt to recoup the funds from the property owner by adding the cost to the property owners tax bill.

Not only is the town dealing with two recent hurricanes it is also trying to clean up the community from Hurricane Ian, especially properties that have not been touched since the storm came through town over two years ago.

As part of the town’s unsafe structure program property owners are noticed that their structure is unsafe and given 30 days to appeal. The town gives the property owner another 60 days on top of the 30 days to come into compliance before making the decision to demolish the structures with the taxpayers money.

The 3 structures the town plans to demolish include the former Tropical Sunset building at 159/161 Estero Boulevard. The building is still riddled with debris from Hurricane Ian and is a wide open danger to the community. Months prior to Hurricane Ian a fire broke out near the top of the structure which was never fully repaired either.

The Town Operations and Compliance Manager Frankie Kropacek says another 40 properties probably need to be demolished by the time it’s all said and done.

The other two structures are:

1901 Estero Boulevard, the former home (upstairs) to Hoosiers Restaurant, a very popular hangout on the beach.
And the home at 4903 Estero Boulevard



  1. 3 buildings is a good start, just need to get to the other 40.
    One question, how long will it take the additions to the property owners tax bill to pay off the $100K.
    Also, $100K sounds like a big number for 3 buildings, is that contract awarded via a bidding process?

  2. I wish Lee County would do the same thing to houses that have sat vacant and roof material is blowing off every time we have a storm and blue plastic letters the neighborhood. Lee County should tear these down and add to the owners property taxes.

  3. 159/161 Estero Boulevard looks more like a building near Pink shell which could use a wrecking ball assist. 159 Old San Carlos Blvd. is the Tropical Sunset which has a well used sidewalk inn front, making it an attractive nuisance. Which is whuch?

  4. The whole island (with a tidbit on the mainland) is a beautiful place for relaxed EVERYTHING~ in our 34 plus years we’ve never wanted to be where there were just row after row of 10 story plus buildings! Those are available in Bonita Springs, and Naples! Keep the beauty of the island & gulf views with developments of 6 stories or less. There was a reason for that rule, it hasn’t changed except for the “money grabbers” !

  5. I’m glad we don’t have to count on anything actually life sustaining having to come from any decisions and expeditious behavior from the mgnt.

    We’re never going to the moon, we better enjoy peddling, and this is obviously the best we have, and can do.

    Probably be censored again. Not like I’ll ever GAF. You can take the words off the page, but you’ll never change my mind or attitude to align with your candyassedness.

    Look around. This is the absolute result OF that type of totalitarian system. Litigated yourselves into absolute ineffectiveness. The place will never come back at this pace. Sad, but it’s what it deserves.

  6. Amazing how the Wyndham and old Fresh Catch restaurant ( 2 of the biggest eyesores on Estero Blvd.) seem to avoid the towns reach……why???

  7. Please God! Take down the Wyndham!!! Or please at least start issuing them some hefty cumulative fines with interest!!!!

  8. The sooner this island removes these structures, the debris, the falling down fencing, the huge, unnecessary construction signs and depressing junk, garbage and ugly containers, the sooner people will return to our idyllic little island. Let’s make this Holiday season Happy and Bright… and get rid of the crappy and blight.

    • Jessie, the idea that all this garbage has been allowed to stand for over 2 yrs is such a failure. Like you said all the destroyed buildings, homes, ripped up fencing, loads of illegal construction signs, dead trees and dead bushes, unnecessary containers, broken piles of concrete, etc. We need the mayor to step up and get this garbage and hazards off of the island. If he spent 1/2 of the time working on this garbage as he does jumping in front of the cameras, our island would be clean. We have looked at it long enough.

  9. These structures need to be held accountable. We have waited over 2 yrs for these owners to remove their structures. We have looked at their eyesores and they have been allowed to stand. Enough already! Additionally the dead trees/vegitation needs to be removed as well. We have neighbors with dead trees standing and now one of the dead trees is dangerously leaning over the roof. It’s almost horizontal. Since the mayor loves to patrol the streets, doing nothing constructive but staring, maybe he can make note of all of the dead trees that could be lethal and have them removed.

  10. Can we please get the Wyndham up for demo? They need to be held to the same standards as everyone else. The recent storms have shown why we cannot have loose debris and unsafe structures on FMB. These items can damage other people building and homes that they have worked so hard to restore. We should not be put at risk due to others poor choices. We had several neighbors suffer significant damage from unsecured building materials.

    • Looks like you missed BTR’s July article on this.

      As the Wyndham property owners told the town, they are interviewing demo companies – a process that can take up to 90 days. There were additional details in the article.

      • Why would a demo interview take 90 days? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Plus they had 2 years to get a demo company in place. Sounds like the owner using the old delay tactic of excuses.


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