TPI Donated Lot To Generate Up To $250K Per Year For Town


Between $225,000 and $250,000 per year will be added to the Fort Myers Beach budget thanks to a parking lot TPI built and donated to the town, next to the old canal street beach access adjacent to the future home of Margaritaville on the beach side.

The donation was part of the negotiation process between TPI and the town when the project was going through the approval process years ago.

There are 22 spots in the new lot which is as close to the beach as you can get. The town charges $5.00 per hour to park in all of its parking spots.

Town Clerk Amy Baker says the lot could be open in about a week. It’s being inspected today.

TPI tells us that a short ceremony of their donation to the town will take place at 9 a.m. on Friday July 1st.

Margaritaville is slated to open in September of 2023.


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