We’ll Be on Carolina Avenue Tomorrow


Peter Albert from Coastal Vacation Properties will be our walkaround tour guide tomorrow at 8AM on Carolina street. If you live on Carolina, feel free to come out and join the fun. Making Mimosa’s for us, like they did on Avenida Pescadora last week is not required.


  1. So what exactly are you looking for on these streets to report? Rebuilds? If you were to go down a block to Dakota you will see at least 4 overgrown empty lots. One even has a septic tank exposed and because of the overgrowth if it wasn’t for a parking cone by it, anyone could fall in. Maybe instead of looking at all the rebuilds that most locals have sold to corporations for Vacation rentals, maybe you should show the devastation that us locals are still experiencing, while the town only makes way for Tourists.

  2. Sadly most of the homes in this neighborhood are rentals. We have had a home on Carolina for 20 plus years and watched the change take place. We meet a lot of nice people but there is nothing like a good neighbor 🥰. If we were there we would have gladly had a cocktail waiting!! Thank you Ed for all you and Kim do for our community! You are our source of information when we go up to Michigan to see our grandkids!


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