What Do You Do About Illegal Dumping?


What do you do if you see someone illegally dumping debris from a demolished home or building? We asked town management after hearing from a homeowner who says a contractor dumped debris on her previously clean property.

Interim Town Manager Keith Wilkins said if you see illegal dumping taking place you can report it to code enforcement and the Lee County Sheriff’s office. Wilkins believes there’s going to be a lot more of this going on now that the deadlines to pick up the debris have passed. “It’s best to post a No Dumping sign in your yard to keep honest people honest. The debris can be searched to look for identifying debris but that is a long shot.”

Wilkins says if someone dumps debris on your property, go to the town website there’s a Report a Concern button at the top of the page. You can enter your data there and the town will investigate. He says this is not to put off public contact but to make the process more efficient and traceable.

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