What Will The Fire Department Do With Their Millage Rate?


On Wednesday we’ll also get our first look at where the Fort Myers Beach Fire District is heading with its millage rate at a 10AM board meeting at Diamondhead. Like the Library, the Fire District is its own taxing district.

If the Fire District Board does not raise the millage rate going into 2025 they will see approximately $4 million more in revenue over 2024 thanks to the higher property values the Lee County Property Appraiser released for Fort Myers Beach.

The Fire District’s current millage rate is $2.9851 per $1,000 of assessed property value.

Back in 2022 the Fire District took in $15.2 million in revenue from taxpayers based on a millage rate 2.9851 and a total taxable value of property on Fort Myers Beach of $5.2 billion. Following Hurricane Ian, in 2023, that total taxable value dropped by 41% to just over $3 billion and the fire district took in $9.13 million in revenue from taxpayers. However, in late 2023 the state sent $14 million, that does not have to be paid back, to the Fire District to help make up the money lost.

As they go through the budget process, the Fire District Board could also decide to roll back their millage rate to the number that would bring the district in the same amount of revenue as this year ($9.13 million) which would result in taxpayers simply paying next year what they paid this year.

When comparing the other taxing districts n the island; the town of Fort Myers Beach (.99), the Library (.2355) and the mosquito control district (.1123), the Fire Control District is the highest.

The new fiscal year begins on October 1st.


  1. Let me see… 4 million more in revenue with fewer lives and property to protect (for now). It might be wise to keep it the same instead of giving Botana fuel for the fire.


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