You Spoke. FPL Responded.


After a flurry of activity yesterday, initiated by Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt, the latest news about the 7-11 across from Santini Plaza is that FPL has moved the location up on its priority list. The monopoly power company now says it will get power to the 7-11 building within 72 hours or less.

Atterholt asked you all to help by contacting the Florida Public Service Commission which is the agency that regulates FPL. “Thank you to all who reached out to the Florida Public Service Commission–your input really does make a difference. We are now back on track and the 7-Eleven hopes to open with gas for sale in about a month.”

One final town inspection is expected to take place today. Atterholt says the contractors for 7-11 told him they have done all the prep work and they just need FPL to run the wire from the pole to the transformer.

The 7-11 across from Santini Plaza will be the first location on the island to serve gas. Currently residents, workers and visitors have to leave the island to fill up their vehicles.



  1. Thank you to everyone who played a part in making this happen. Every time we add another way to do business in our town, I view as a success and a step forward.

  2. WTG Beach Talk Radio’s Yellow Army & Mayor Atterholt. FPL IS GOING TO PERMIT POWER TO THE 7-11 BY SANTINI PLAZA.

  3. They have turned Pelican Watch’s power off, with no timeline for residents, and we don’t know when we can get back in. Everyone is scrambling for a place to stay living out of a suitcase.

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