What’s Going on With The Wyndham?


So many of you have voiced your concern over the fact that the Wyndham Resort at 6890 Estero Boulevard was not one of the first ten properties on the town’s unsafe list. We have the latest details on the future of that property.

This week Chris Weber’s company Watco Construction will be installing a safety fence around the entire Wyndham Resort structure. The building has been wide open since Hurricane Ian with broken glass and furniture all over the property.

The fence was delivered late last week and should be completely installed by the end of this week. The pool which is filled with gunk, office furniture and other objects will also be cleaned and secured. We understand the fence will not block off the parking lot which residents have been using as a beach access for many years.

Weber says the owner of the property will then begin the process of interviewing demo companies to knock down the resort. He says the bidding process could take up to 90 days. After a demo company is chosen it’s expected to take them three weeks to knock down the structure so it could be October before the resort is completely demolished and the property cleaned up. When a demo company takes down a building, the debris needs to be separated so it can be taken to different landfills.

The town inspected the property Monday and confirmed that the fencing has started to go up. They town also reported that code enforcement will be holding off on an future enforcement to “allow an extension” to have the fence install completed. At a previous Town Council meeting the Town Attorney said simply putting up a fence is no longer good enough, that the properties must be cleaned up or the property owners will face further action by the town. At the least the Town Council wants to see property owners have started a process to clean up their property. It’s now clear that the owners of The Wyndham have started that process.

As far as the future of the property, while there are many things being discussed, nothing is solid enough to report on. It appears the current owners are not yet sure if they would like to rebuild on the property or sell it. Once we hear anything solid we will certainly report on it.





  1. The Wyndham was the only unique U shaped hotel on many beaches with easy room access to pool, bar and beach. Even if it were to be raised it could be the most unique property of many beaches. The tiki bar was known for gathering so many people together for happy times. With a vision of something similar, adding an elevated level with swim up bar, tiki bar lower and karaoke would be everyones dream. It does not have to be big on rooms to make money, the money is in the volume of its amenities. Having yet another big condo building will kill the area. I really hope people think this one through.

  2. I believe the long time owner passed away last year and a relative (daughter?) inherited the property. My guess would be she doesn’t have the experience to run it and it will be sold. That explains why nothing has been done.

  3. Start penalties NOW. Tell them if land cleaned up by the end of October, penalties will be waived. Not other way around. They can interview and discuss and debate and whatever at their leisure and their own risk. They did that for two years and can do that for another two if town will let them… Nobody will accuse the township of being unreasonable.

  4. Praying the Wyndham returns along with an outside beach bar. We miss it so much, where the locals gathered all the time. We miss this along with the awesome bartenders that worked there for years. Fingers crossed

  5. None of this makes sense. Why hasn’t the area been cleaned up and cleared of debris yet?

    It’s truly the most beautiful and expansive beach in the whole area…It has the most optimal premium beach access on Fort Myers Beach.

    I can’t imagine why the delay in someone grabbing up and/or beautifying this area.

    Why hasn’t FMB city council acted way before now to enforce cleanup (?)

    What a shame. Beautiful area.

  6. This really is criminal! Two years to begin the process of demo?? It has been reported they don’t want to rebuild. Owners should be fined and possibly jailed for health hazard, pollution hazard, etc.

  7. They already had a demo company and a permit application that they let expire in 2023. Hopefully, they don’t leave it fenced for another six months.


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