Neptune Resort Rebuild Plans Unveiled


On Tuesday night at Diamondhead Resort, Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce members got their first look at the proposed plans to rebuild the Neptune Beach Resort at 2310 Estero Boulevard.

The owners of the property, Continental Hospitality Group, detailed the history of the resort (it’s been around since the 60’s), when they purchased the property (September of 2021), and why they want to rebuild on Fort Myers Beach.

Before the storm the resort was performing well for the company, despite not having any any food or beverage available for guests and the furniture getting “a little tired.”

Here are some details about the new Neptune:
They will be asking for more height (6 floors compared to 2).
They will be asking for more density (140 rooms compared to 71).
They will have 164 parking spaces for guests.
They would have a beach-side restaurant open to the public.
They would donate 16 parking spaces to the town.
They would add a beach access that is currently not there.
They would provide bigger beach view corridors.
They say they’ll be keeping the beachy vibe.

If you want to make a comparison, the new building is as high as the Fort Myers Beach library which is relatively close to this property. We should know when the general public will get a full viewing of the plans in the next week or so.
Continental Hospitality Group will be submitting a Commercial Planned Development (CPD), for this design to town staff within the next few weeks. Town staff will review the plans and make recommendations to the LPA. Once this goes through the LPA process, the Town Council will get a crack at it. If it passes with 3 votes on the council the project is approved. If everything went smoothy, applications, permits, LPA and council votes, etc. it would be 2 1/2 years before the resort opens its doors again.
The resort, which is right on the Gulf, suffered substantial damage during Hurricane Ian on September 28th, 2022. The ruined resort has not been demo’d. In fact the owners have no idea when the demo and cleanup will begin. They say it’s tied to whether or not they get this project approved.

The old Neptune Resort



  1. How sad. My family loved the smallness of the Neptune. Now it’s just going to be another hotel. It was a treasure. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  2. I love the idea, and all it takes is an Ian to convince most people of my way of thinking….I’m 75 and live in a 6-story condo on the harbor on Fort Myers Beach and we survived the storm….our elevator was up and running on Dec 15 and the pool shortly thereafter…..Can you guess how many smaller or older homes washed away that could have been saved if a condo had blocked the tidal wave that destroyed our island?…..50′ one way or the other and your small ground floor home would have survived…or it washed into the bay when the wave hit it. Look at Hibiscus Rd. for a perfect example.
    I sold real estate for 50 years, and you’ll note that different parts of our island have different densities, so you’ll need more mid and high-rise condos in the future, since it’ll be near impossible to get insurance for ground level homes. And, if only ground-level homes or low-level condos are built in the future, then you’ll only have rich people who can afford to live or vacation here in PARADISE…..less homes or rooms on the same piece of land means higher prices and taxes! We can build the mid-level and high-rise condos and still have the old-style businesses, restaurants and bars on the ground level beneath them. Let’s build back smart and strong!
    FMB Strong!!

  3. I also agree with many of the comments. Town should not consider any request to rebuild until the remains of the current facility it removed, and site cleaned up.

  4. Unfortunately, the way things are going, the FMB Town Council needs to change the Town name to Miami Beach West!

    Michael Wilkie

  5. FMB will never have the wonderful beach vibe it did. It’s gone. First folks can’t afford to rebuild so they are selling for over the top prices that only very very very rich can afford. Can’t blame them, the ow ears and buyers. If FMB town fathers don’t control this now you will have another Marco orNaples. I remember bet 45 years ago on that beach, you were hard pressed to find much shopping. The old FMB will be truly missed

    • I couldn’t agree more. The laid-back FMB vibe is a thing of the past. It’s heading in the direction of becoming just another pricey generic beach town.
      What I loved about it was that there were affordable accommodations, lots of casual places to eat and drink with a local feel, but plenty of upscale places as well. It maintained the ambience of authentic Florida. You’re right – it will be truly missed.

  6. That building should be torn down
    and area cleaned up ASAP. They should be fined for everyday that the building is left standing as a hazard to the public. Time for the city council to get tough on these commercial companies.Fines build up.they will start to rebuild sooner.

  7. It’s amazing what these guys do:
    “Donate” – 16 parking spaces to Town 🙄
    Beach Access — how nice of them
    Provide “Beach Corridor Views” …
    Ohh – Demo – yeah that depends on the building decision … 🤔 really ?????
    Very interesting ….
    All in exchange fir 6 floors instead of existing 2 .. with more density !!
    Of course …
    Let’s see –
    There’s Margaritaville, Moss Marina – wanting 2 Hotels — 1 isn’t enough
    And … other Developers just quietly waiting in line …..

  8. I agree that 3 stories should be sufficient and all that is allowed. Cleanup should be mandated whether they want to start building tomorrow or 10 years from now. Lets get the Beach back!!

  9. Just like Margaritaville only 3 stories high!!!! Just hope the town doesn’t cave to them!! TPI did the right thing!

  10. Clean up of their property should not reflect what the town decides on their building design. Before Ian the town said only three stories to Margaritaville
    this code should remain for new structures and the town shouldn’t waiver

  11. Owners of this, and all significantly damaged buildings, should have a deadline to demo and cleanup their properties regardless of what is going to be rebuilt or not be rebuilt. In this case, it sounds like delaying demo and cleanup is some sort of blackmail to get what the owners want.

    • We totally agree! The island is starting to look like a ghetto with all the derelict properties and weeds over your head. The owners need to take responsibility and tear them down and maintain the grounds. Why is the town catering to those owners instead of those of us living here and trying to clean-up?

  12. Ok so they have to show plans understandably. Then it will take the city MONTHS to decide then it will take months for takedown then years to complete. Let get the process sped up on the island. There has to be a way

  13. Stayed their almost 20 times in the past ten years. Thru the water main rehab, sewer and gas lines on Estero. It was our home away from home. New owners doubled rates and they got swept away . Karma? Hopefully they come back. It was nice. 😢

  14. I stayed there shorty before it changed hands, it was a beautiful property. After it changed hands, it was too expensive to stay there. I looked into it they do own more than one resort. So it was never really going to stay the way it was.

  15. so, we want to get rid of the view of the gulf? put the 20 story buildings on the bay side. trust me they will still have that view.

  16. Just curious….
    Why does the demolition of the Neptune have anything to do with the approval of their new development plan? The buildings have to come down either way. Why not give the island a clean, clear view of the Gulf while you work out the construction details. It would be nice for a while to have a cleaned up island with great views until, the sights and sounds of the rebuild commences.

    • Your comment was exactly what I was contemplating. Do they think an unsafe eyesore gives them some kind of leverage over the LPA or Town Council for deviation accommodations?

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