When Will Lynn Hall Park Open?


Lynn Hall Park could open for parking on April 15th. The entire Lee County owned park and parking lot has been closed and untouched since September 28th when Hurricane Ian came through Fort Myers Beach.

Both interim Town Manager Keith Wilkins and Mayor Dan Allers have publicly mentioned a possible opening of April 15th but Lee County refuses to confirm that as a solid date.

On Monday we asked Lee County Communications Director Betsy Clayton if April 15th was a solid date, after hearing Wilkins bring it up at the Town Council meeting, she said, “No it is not.”

Clayton said, “There is not an announced reopening date for any of the county’s beach parks or beach park facilities. When county beach parks begin to re-open, it likely will happen in phases. Lee County Parks & Recreation has a Hurricane Ian Park Progress Map tool at www.leeparks.org. Coming openings will be announced there as well as on other Lee County website landing pages.”

The Lynn Hall Park bathrooms were totally destroyed by the hurricane. Lee County had just spent tens of thousands of dollars upgrading the facilities not ling before the storm.

The parking lot hasn’t been cleaned at all since the storm and there are still big debris piles sitting in the corner of the park.

A document with tentative dates has been circulating which is where the April 15th date came from. Here’s that document.



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